Dynamic module viewModelBinder




bind: (obj: any, view: HTMLElement) => void

Databinds obj, which can be an arbitrary object, to view which is a dom sub-tree. If obj has a function called setView, then, following binding, this function will be called, providing obj with an opportunity to interact directly with the dom fragment that it is bound to.

bindContext: (bindingContext: KnockoutBindingContext, view: HTMLElement, obj?: any) => void

Applies bindings to a view using a pre-existing bindingContext. This is used by the composition module when a view is supplied without a model. It allows the parent binding context to be preserved. If the optional obj parameter is supplied, a new binding context will be created that is a child of bindingContext with its model set to obj. This is used by the widget framework to provide the widget binding while allowing templated parts to access their surrounding scope.