Dynamic module viewEngine




convertViewIdToRequirePath: (viewId: string) => string

Converts a view id into a full RequireJS path.

convertViewUrlToViewId: (url: string) => string

Converts a view url into a view id.

createView: (viewId: string) => JQueryPromise<any>

Returns a promise for a dom element identified by the viewId parameter.

isViewUrl: (url: string) => boolean

Returns true if the potential string is a url for a view, according to the view engine.

parseMarkup: (markup: string) => HTMLElement

Parses some markup and turns it into a dom element.

viewExtension: string

The file extension that view source files are expected to have.

viewPlugin: string

The name of the RequireJS loader plugin used by the viewLocator to obtain the view source. (Use requirejs to map the plugin's full path).