Dynamic module modalDialog




addContext: (name: string, modalContext: any) => JQueryPromise<any>

Pass a name and an object which defines the proper modal display pipeline via the functions described in the next section. This creates a new modal context or "modal style."

createCompositionSettings: (obj: any, modalContext: any) => any

creates a settings obj from the supplied params

currentZIndex: number

the default is 1050

getContext: (name: string) => any

You may wish to customize modal displays or add additional contexts in order to display modals in different ways. To alter the default context, you would acquire it by calling getContext() and then alter it's pipeline. If you don't provide a value for name it returns the default context.

getNextZIndex: () => number

This is a helper function which can be used in the creation of custom modal contexts. Each time it is called, it returns a successively higher zIndex value than the last time.

isModalOpen: () => boolean

This is a helper function which will tell you if any modals are currently open.

show: (obj: any, activationData: any, context: any) => JQueryPromise<any>

This API uses the composition module to compose your obj into a modal popover. It also uses the viewModel module to check and enforce any screen lifecycle needs that obj may have. A promise is returned which will be resolved when the modal dialog is dismissed. The obj is the view model for your modal dialog, or a moduleId for the view model to load. Your view model instance will have a single property added to it by this mechanism called modal which represents the dialog infrastructure itself. This modal object has a single function called close which can be invoked to close the modal. You may also pass data to close which will be returned via the promise mechanism. The modal object also references it's owner, activator, the composition settings it was created with and its display context. Speaking of context, this parameter represents the display context or modal style. By default, there is one context registered with the system, named 'default'. If no context is specified, the default context with be used to display the modal. You can also specify activationData which is an arbitrary object that will be passed to your modal's activate function, if it has one.