Dynamic module viewLocator




convertModuleIdToViewId: (moduleId: string) => string

This function does nothing by default which is why editCustomer.js is mapped to editCustomer.html (both have the same underlying id of editCustomer). Replace this function with your own implementation to easily create your own mapping logic based on moduleId.

determineFallbackViewId: (obj: any) => string

As mentioned above, if no view id can be determined, the system falls back to attempting to determine the object's type and then uses that. This function contains the implementation of that fallback behavior. Replace it if you desire something different. Under normal usage however, this function should not be called.

locateView: (viewOrUrlOrId: any, area: string, elementsToSearch: HTMLElement[]) => JQueryPromise<any>

The viewOrUrlOrId parameter represents a url/id for the view. The file extension is not necessary (ie. .html). When this function is called, the viewEngine will be used to construct the view. The viewEngine is passed the finalized id and returns a constructed DOM sub-tree, which is returned from this function. If the viewOrUrlOrId is not a string but is actually a DOM node, then the DOM node will be immediately returned. Optionally, you can pass an area string and it along with the url will be passed to the view locator's translateViewIdToArea before constructing the final id to pass to the view engine. If you provide an array of DOM elements for elementsToSearch, before we call the view engine, we will search the existing array for a match and return it if found.

locateViewForObject: (obj: {}, elementsToSearch: HTMLElement[]) => JQueryPromise<any>

This function takes in an object instance, which it then maps to a view id. That id is then passed to the locateView function and it is processed as above. If elementsToSearch are provided, those are passed along to locateView. Following is a description of how locateViewForObject determines the view for a given object instance.

translateViewIdToArea: (viewId: string, area?: string) => string

When a view area is specified, it along with the requested view id will be passed to this function, allowing you to customize the path of your view. You can specify area as part of the locateView call, but more commonly you would specify it as part of a compose binding. Any compose binding that does not include a model, but only a view, has a default area of 'partial'.

useConvention: (modulesPath?: string, viewsPath?: string, areasPath?: string) => string

Allows you to set up a convention for mapping module folders to view folders. modulesPath is a string in the path that will be replaced by viewsPath. Partial views will be mapped to the "views" folder unless an areasPath is specified. All parameters are optional. If none are specified, the convention will map modules in a "viewmodels" folder to views in a "views" folder.