ValueAxis is the class which displays value axis for the chart. The chart can have any number of value axes. For Serial chart one value axis is created automatically. For XY Chart two value axes (horizontal and vertical) are created automatically.
Specifies whether number of gridCount is specified automatically, acoarding to the axis size.
Axis opacity. Value range is 0 - 1.
Axis color. #000000
Thickness of the axis.
Radar chart only. Specifies distance from axis to the axis title (category) 10
Read-only. Coordinate of the base value.
Specifies base value of the axis.
Color of axis value labels. Will use chart's color if not set.
Length of a dash. 0 means line is not dashed.
If your values represents time units, and you want value axis labels to be formatted as duration, you have to set the duration unit. Possible values are: "ss", "mm", "hh" and "DD".
If duration property is set, you can specify what string should be displayed next to day, hour, minute and second. {DD:"d. ", hh:":", mm:":",ss:""}
Fill opacity. Every second space between grid lines can be filled with color. Set fillAlpha to a value greater than 0 to see the fills.
Fill color. Every second space between grid lines can be filled with color. Set fillAlpha to a value greater than 0 to see the fills. #FFFFFF
Size of value labels text. Will use chart's fontSize if not set.
Opacity of grid lines. 0.2
Color of grid lines. #000000
Number of grid lines. In case this is value axis, or your categoryAxis parses dates, the number is approximate. The default value is 5. If you set autoGridCount to true, this property is ignored.
Thickness of grid lines.
Radar chart only. Possible values are: "polygons" and "circles". Set "circles" for polar charts. polygons
The array of guides belonging to this axis.
If autoMargins of a chart is set to true, but you want this axis not to be measured when calculating margin, set ignoreAxisWidth to true.
Specifies whether guide values should be included when calculating min and max of the axis.
If true, the axis will include hidden graphs when calculating min and max values.
Specifies whether values should be placed inside or outside plot area.
Specifies whether values on axis can only be integers or both integers and doubles.
Frequency at which labels should be placed. Doesn't work for CategoryAxis if parseDates is set to true.
Rotation angle of a label. Only horizontal axis' values can be rotated. If you set this for vertical axis, the setting will be ignored.
Specifies whether axis displays category axis' labels and value axis' values.
Specifies if this value axis' scale should be logarithmic.
Read-only. Maximum value of the axis.
If you don't want max value to be calculated by the chart, set it using this property. This value might still be adjusted so that it would be possible to draw grid at rounded intervals.
Read-only. Minimum value of the axis.
If set value axis scale (min and max numbers) will be multiplied by it. I.e. if set to 1.2 the scope of values will increase by 20%.
If you don't want min value to be calculated by the chart, set it using this property. This value might still be adjusted so that it would be possible to draw grid at rounded intervals.
The distance of the axis to the plot area, in pixels. Negative values can also be used.
Possible values are: "top", "bottom", "left", "right". If axis is vertical, default position is "left". If axis is horizontal, default position is "bottom".
Precision (number of decimals) of values.
Radar chart only. Specifies if categories (axes' titles) should be displayed near axes)
pecifies if graphs's values should be recalculated to percents.
Specifies if value axis should be reversed (smaller values on top).
Whether to show first axis label or not.
Whether to show last axis label or not.
Stacking mode of the axis. Possible values are: "none", "regular", "100%", "3d". none Note, only graphs of one type will be stacked.
Read-only. Value difference between two grid lines.
In case you synchronize one value axis with another, you need to set the synchronization multiplier. Use synchronizeWithAxis method to set with which axis it should be synced.
Length of the tick marks.
Title of the axis.
Specifies if title should be bold or not.
Color of axis title. Will use text color of chart if not set any.
Font size of axis title. Will use font size of chart plus two pixels if not set any.
If this value axis is stacked and has columns, setting valueAxis.totalText = "[[total]]" will make it to display total value above the most-top column.
Unit which will be added to the value label.
Position of the unit. Possible values are "left" and "right". right
If true, prefixes will be used for big and small numbers. You can set arrays of prefixes directly to the chart object via prefixesOfSmallNumbers and prefixesOfBigNumbers.
If true, values will always be formatted using scientific notation (5e+8, 5e-8...) Otherwise only values bigger then 1e+21 and smaller then 1e-7 will be displayed in scientific notation.
Adds guide to the axis.
Adds event listener to the object. type - string like 'axisChanged' (should be listed in 'events' section of this class or classes which extend this class). handler - function which is called when event happens
Adds event listener of the type "axisZoomed" to the object.
Always "axisZoomed".
XY chart only. Dispatched when axis is zoomed.
Adds event listener of the type "logarithmicAxisFailed" to the object.
Always "logarithmicAxisFailed".
Dispatched when valueAxis is logarithmic and values equal or less then zero were found in data.
Number, - value of coordinate. Returns value of the coordinate. coordinate - y or x coordinate, in pixels.
Number - coordinate Returns coordinate of the value in pixels. value - Number
Removes guide from the axis.
Removes event listener from the object.
Removes event listener from chart object.
One value axis can be synchronized with another value axis. You should set synchronizationMultiplyer in order for this to work.
XY Chart only. Zooms-in the axis to the provided values.