Class ChartCursorSettings

ChartCursorSettings settings set's settings for chart cursor. If you change a property after the chart is initialized, you should call stockChart.validateNow() method in order for it to work. If there is no default value specified, default value of ChartCursor class will be used.




public bulletSize: number

Size of bullets, following the cursor.

public bulletsEnabled: boolean

Specifies if bullet for each graph will follow the cursor.

public categoryBalloonAlpha: number

Opacity of the category balloon.

public categoryBalloonColor: string

Color of the category balloon.

public categoryBalloonDateFormats: Array<any>

Array of date format objects. Date format object must have "period" and "format" items. Available periods are: fff - millisecond, ss - second, mm - minute, hh - hour, DD - date, WW - week, MM - month, YYYY - year. [{period:"YYYY", format:"YYYY"}, {period:"MM", format:"MMM, YYYY"}, {period:"WW", format:"MMM DD, YYYY"}, {period:"DD", format:"MMM DD, YYYY"}, {period:"hh", format:"JJ:NN"}, {period:"mm", format:"JJ:NN"}, {period:"ss", format:"JJ:NN:SS"}, {period:"fff", format:"JJ:NN:SS"}]

public categoryBalloonEnabled: boolean

Specifies whether category balloon is enabled.

public cursorAlpha: number

Opacity of the cursor line.

public cursorColor: string

Color of the cursor line.

public cursorPosition: string

Possible values: "start", "middle" and "mouse".

public enabled: boolean

Set this to "false" if you don't want chart cursor to appear in your charts.



public pan: boolean

If this is set to true, the user will be able to pan the chart instead of zooming.

public valueBalloonsEnabled: boolean

Specifies whether value balloons are enabled. In case they are not, the balloons might be displayed anyway, when the user rolls-over the column or bullet.

public zoomable: boolean

Specifies if the user can zoom-in the chart. If pan is set to true, zoomable is switched to false automatically.