Class Slice

Slice is an item of AmPieChart's chartData Array and holds all the information about the slice. When working with a pie chart, you do not create slices or change it's properties directly, instead you set array of data using dataProvider property. Consider properties of a Slice read-only - change values in chart's data provider if you need to.




public alpha: number

Opacity of a slice.

public color: string

Color of a slice.

public dataContext: Object

Original object from data provider.

public description: string

Slice description.

public hidden: boolean

Specifies whether the slice is hidden

public percents: number

Percent value of a slice.

public pulled: boolean

Specifies whether the slice is pulled or not.

public title: string

Slice title

public url: string

Url of a slice

public value: number

Value of a slice

public visibleInLegend: boolean

specifies whether this slice has a legend entry