Class Guide

Guides are straight vertical or horizontal lines or areas supported by AmSerialChart, AmXYChart and AmRadarChart. You can have guides both on value and category axes. To add/remove a guide to an axis, use axis.addGuide(guide)/axis.removeGuide(guide) methods.

If you do not set properties such as dashLength, lineAlpha, lineColor, etc - values of the axis are used.




public angle: number

Radar chart only. Specifies angle at which guide should start. Affects only fills, not lines.

public balloonColor: string

Baloon fill color.

public balloonText: string

The text which will be displayed if the user rolls-over the guide.

public category: string

Category of the guide (in case the guide is for category axis).

public dashLength: number

Dash length.

public date: Date

Date of the guide (in case the guide is for category axis and parseDates is set to true).

public fillAlpha: number

Fill opacity. Value range is 0 - 1.

public fillColor: string

Fill color.

public inside: boolean

Specifies whether label should be placed inside or outside plot area.

public label: string

The label which will be displayed near the guide.

public labelRotation: number

Rotation angle of a guide label.

public lineAlpha: number

Line opacity.

public lineColor: string

Line color.

public lineThickness: number

Line thickness.

public tickLength: number

Tick length.

public toAngle: number

Radar chart only. Specifies angle at which guide should end. Affects only fills, not lines.

public toCategory: string

To category of the guide (in case the guide is for category axis).

public toDate: Date

To date of the guide (in case the guide is for category axis and parseDates is set to true) If you have both date and toDate, the space between these two dates can be filled with color.

public toValue: number

To value of the guide (in case the guide is for value axis).

public value: number

Value of the guide (in case the guide is for value axis).