Interface IFile

The File object contains info about a user's files in SkyDrive. The Live Connect REST API supports creating, reading, updating, and deleting File objects. Use the wl.skydrive scope to read File objects. Use the wl.contacts_skydrive scope to read any files that other users have shared with the user. Use the wl.skydrive_update scope to create, update, or delete File objects.




public client_updated_time: string

The time, in ISO 8601 format, that the client machine updated the file last.

public comments_count: number

The number of comments that are associated with the file.

public comments_enabled: boolean

A value that indicates whether comments are enabled for the file. If comments can be made, this value is true; otherwise, it is false.

public created_time: string

The time, in ISO 8601 format, at which the file was created.

public description: string

A description of the file, or null if no description is specified.

public from: IUserInfo

Info about the user who uploaded the file.

public id: string

The File object's ID.

public is_embeddable: boolean

A value that indicates whether this file can be embedded. If this file can be embedded, this value is true; otherwise, it is false.

public link: string

A URL to view the item on SkyDrive.

public name: string

The name of the file.

public parent_id: string

The ID of the folder the file is currently stored in.

public shared_with: ISharedWith

Object that contains permission info.

public size: number

The size, in bytes, of the file.

public sort_by: string

Sorts the items to specify the following criteria: updated, name, size, or default.

public source: string

The URL to use to download the file from SkyDrive. Warning: This value is not persistent. Use it immediately after making the request, and avoid caching. Note: This structure is not available if the file is an Office OneNote notebook.

public type: string

The type of object; in this case, "file". Note: If the file is a Office OneNote notebook, the type structure is set to "notebook".

public updated_time: string

The time, in ISO 8601 format, that the system updated the file last.

public upload_location: string

The URL to upload file content hosted in SkyDrive. Note: This structure is not available if the file is an Microsoft Office OneNote notebook.