Interface ICalendar

The Calendar object contains info about a user's calendar. The Live Connect REST API supports creating, reading, updating, and deleting calendars. Use the wl.calendars scope to read a user's Calendar objects. Use the wl.calendars_update scope to create Calendar objects for a user. Use the wl.contacts_calendars scope to read a user's friends' Calendar objects.




public created_time: string

The time, in ISO 8601 format, at which the calendar was created.

public description: string

Description of the calendar.

public from: IUserInfo

Info about the user who owns the calendar.

public id: string

The Calendar object's ID.

public is_default: boolean

A value that indicates whether this calendar is the default calendar. If this calendar is the default calendar, this value is true; otherwise, it is false.

public name: string

Name of the calendar.

public permissions: string

Role and permissions that are granted to the user for the calendar. The possible values are:

  • free_busy: The user can see only free/busy info.
  • limited_details: The user can see a subset of all details.
  • read: The user can only read the content of the calendar events.
  • read_write: The user can read and write calendar and events.
  • co_owner: The user is co-owner of this calendar.
  • owner: The user is the owner of this calendar.

public subscription_location: string

A public subscription URL with which Live Connect will synchronize properties and events periodically for this calendar. A NULL value indicates that this is not a subscribed calendar.

public updated_time: string

The time, in ISO 8601 format, that the calendar was last updated.