Interface API

The Live Connect JavaScript API (Windows 8 and web), together with the REST API, enables apps to read, update, and share user data by using the JavaScript programming language. The JavaScript API (Windows 8 and web) provides methods for signing users in and out, getting user status, subscribing to events, creating UI controls, and calling the Representational State Transfer (REST) API.





public Event: IEventAPI


public api(properties: IAPIProperties, callback?: (response: any) => void): IPromise

Makes a call to the Live Connect Representational State Transfer (REST) API. This method encapsulates a REST API request, and then calls a callback function to process the response.


  • properties: IAPIProperties

    Required. A JSON object that contains properties that are necessary to make the REST API call.

  • callback?: (response: any) => void optional

    Specifies a callback function that is executed when the REST API call is complete. The callback function takes the API response object as a parameter. The response object exposes the data returned from Live Connect, or, if an error occurs, an error property that contains the error code.



Returns a Promise object. This object's then method provides the onSuccess, onError, and onProgress parameters to enable your code to handle a successful, failed, and in-progress call to the corresponding WL.api method, respectively.

public backgroundDownload(properties: IBackgroundDownloadProperties, callback?: (response: any) => void): IPromise

Makes a call to download a file from Microsoft SkyDrive.

Important: WL.backgroundDownload is supported only for use with Windows Store apps using JavaScript. If you are writing a web app, use instead.


  • properties: IBackgroundDownloadProperties

    Required. A JSON object that contains properties that are necessary to make the REST API call.

  • callback?: (response: any) => void optional



Returns a Promise object. This object's then method accepts callback functions for onSuccess, onError, and onProgress to enable your code to handle a successful, failed, and in-progress call to the corresponding method, respectively. The onSuccess callback is passed a response object that contains content_type and stream properties, representing the downloaded file's content type and file stream, respectively.

public backgroundUpload(properties: IBackgroundUploadProperties, callback?: (response: any) => void): IPromise

Makes a call to upload a file to Microsoft SkyDrive.

Important: WL.backgroundUpload is supported only for use with Windows Store apps using JavaScript. If you are writing a web app, use WL.upload instead.


  • properties: IBackgroundUploadProperties

    Required. A JSON object that contains properties that are necessary to make the REST API call.

  • callback?: (response: any) => void optional

    Optional. Specifies a callback function that is executed when the REST API call is complete. The callback function takes the API response object as a parameter. The response object exposes the data returned from Live Connect, or if an error occurs, an error property that contains the error code.



Returns a Promise object. For Windows Store apps using JavaScript, this object's then method accepts callback functions for onSuccess, onError, and onProgress to enable your code to handle a successful, failed, and in-progress call to the corresponding WL.backgroudUpload method, respectively.

public canLogout(): boolean

Specifies whether the current user can be signed out of his or her Microsoft account.

For Windows Store apps using JavaScript, you can use this function to determine whether you should display a control to the user to enable him or her to sign out of his or her Microsoft account. If this function returns true, you should display the control. However, if this function returns false, you should not display this control, as attempting to sign out the user in this case will have no effect.

For web apps, this function always returns true.



Returns true if the user can be signed out; otherwise, returns false if the user can't be signed out.

public download(properties: IDownloadProperties, callback?: (response: any) => void): IPromise

Makes a call to download a file from Microsoft SkyDrive.

Important: is supported only for use with web apps. If you are writing a Windows Store app using JavaScript, use WL.backgroundDownload instead.


  • properties: IDownloadProperties

    Required. A JSON object that contains properties that are necessary to make the REST API call.

  • callback?: (response: any) => void optional

    Specifies a callback function that is executed when the REST API call is complete. The callback function takes the API response object as a parameter. The response object exposes the data that is returned from Live Connect, or, if an error occurs, an error property that contains the error code.



Returns a Promise object. This object's then method provides the onError parameter to enable your code to handle a failed call to the corresponding method.

public fileDialog(properties: IFileDialogProperties, callback?: (response: any) => void): IPromise

Displays the Microsoft SkyDrive file picker, which enables JavaScript-based web apps to display a pre-built, consistent user interface that enables a user to select files to upload and download to and from his or her SkyDrive storage location.


  • properties: IFileDialogProperties

    Required. A JSON object containing properties for displaying the button.

  • callback?: (response: any) => void optional

    Optional. A callback function that is executed after the user finishes interacting with the SkyDrive file picker.



Returns a Promise object. This object's then method provides the onSuccess and onError parameters to enable your code to handle a successful and failed call to the corresponding WL.fileDialog method, respectively.

public getLoginStatus(callback?: (status: Microsoft.Live.ILoginStatus) => void, force?: boolean): IPromise

Returns the sign-in status of the current user. If the user is signed in and connected to your app, this function returns the session object. This is an asynchronous function that returns the user's status by contacting the Live Connect authentication web service.


  • callback?: (status: Microsoft.Live.ILoginStatus) => void optional

    Returns the sign-in status of the current user. If the user is signed in and connected to your app, this function returns the session object. This is an asynchronous function that returns the user's status by contacting the Live Connect authentication web service.

  • force?: boolean optional

    Optional. If set to "true", the function contacts the Live Connect authentication web service to determine the user's status. If set to "false" (the default), the function can return the user status that is currently in memory, if there is one. If the user's status has already been retrieved, the library can return the cached value. However, you can force the library to retrieve current status by setting the force parameter to "true".



Returns a Promise object. This object's then method provides the onSuccess and onError parameters to enable your code to handle a successful and failed call to the corresponding WL.getLoginStatus method, respectively. In the body of the onSuccess function, a status object is returned, which contains the user's sign-in status and the session object.

public getSession(): ISession

Retrieves the current session object synchronously, if a session object exists. For situations in which performance is critical, such as page loads, use the asynchronous WL.getLoginStatus method instead.



Returns the current session as a session object instance.

public init(properties: IInitProperties): IPromise

Initializes the JavaScript library. An app must call this function on every page before making other function calls in the library. The app should call this function before making function calls that subscribe to events. If the JavaScript library has already been initialized on the page, calling this function succeeds silently; the client_id and redirect_uri parameters are not validated.


  • properties: IInitProperties

    Required. A JSON object with initialization properties.



Returns a Promise object. This object's then method provides the onSuccess and onError parameters to enable your code to handle a successful and failed call to the corresponding WL.init method, respectively. When the onSuccess callback is invoked, a login status object is passed in as parameter that indicates the current user's login status.

public login(properties: ILoginProperties, callback?: (status: any) => void): IPromise

Signs in the user or expands the user's list of scopes. Because this function can result in launching the consent page prompt, you should call it only in response to a user action, such as clicking a button. Otherwise, the user's web browser might block the popup.

Typically, this function is used by apps that define their own sign-in controls, or by apps that ask users to grant additional permissions during an activity. For example, to enable a user to post his or her status to Live Connect, your app may have to prompt the user for permission and call this function with an expanded scope.

If you call this function when the user has already consented to the requested scope and is already signed in, the callback function is invoked immediately with the current session. This function logs errors to the web browser console.


  • properties: ILoginProperties

    Required. A JSON object with login properties.

  • callback?: (status: any) => void optional

    Optional. Specifies a callback function to execute when sign-in is complete. The callback function takes the status object as a parameter. For a description of the status object, see WL.getLoginStatus. If you do not specify a callback function, your app can still get the sign-in callback info by listening for an auth.sessionChange or auth.statusChange event.



Returns a Promise object. This object's then method provides the onSuccess, onError, and onProgress parameters to enable your code to handle a successful, failed, and in-progress call to the corresponding WL.login method, respectively.

public logout(callback?: (status: Microsoft.Live.ILoginStatus) => void): IPromise

Signs the user out of Live Connect and clears any user state that is maintained by the JavaScript library, such as cookies. If the user account is connected, this function logs out the user from the app, but not from the PC. This function is useful primarily for websites that do not use the sign-in control.


  • callback?: (status: Microsoft.Live.ILoginStatus) => void optional

    Optional. Specifies a callback function that is executed when sign-out is complete. The callback function takes the status object as a parameter. For a description of the status object, see WL.getLoginStatus. If you do not specify a callback function, your app can still get the sign-out callback info by listening for an auth.sessionChange or auth.statusChange event.



Returns a Promise object. This object's then method provides the onSuccess, onError, and onProgress parameters to enable your code to handle a successful, failed, and in-progress call to the corresponding WL.logout method, respectively.

public ui(properties: IUIProperties, callback?: () => void)

Displays either the Live Connect sign-in button or the Microsoft SkyDrive file picker button. The sign-in button either prompts the user for his or her Microsoft account credentials if he or she is not signed in or else signs out the user if he or she is signed in. The file picker button displays the SkyDrive file picker to help the user select files to upload or download to or from his or her SkyDrive storage location.


  • properties: IUIProperties

    Required. A JSON object containing properties for displaying the button.

  • callback?: () => void optional

    Optional. A callback function that is executed after the sign-in button or file picker button is displayed. Note: Do not use the callback parameter to run code after the user finishes interacting with the sign-in button or file picker. Use a combination of the onselected, onloggedin, onloggedout, and onerror properties as previously described.

public upload(properties: IUploadProperties, callback?: (response: any) => void): IPromise

Makes a call to upload a file to Microsoft SkyDrive.

Important: WL.upload is supported only for use with web apps. If you are writing a Windows Store app using JavaScript, use WL.backgroundUpload instead.


  • properties: IUploadProperties

    Required. A JSON object that contains properties that are necessary to make the REST API call.

  • callback?: (response: any) => void optional

    Optional. Specifies a callback function that is executed when the REST API call is complete. The callback function takes the API response object as a parameter. The response object exposes the data returned from Live Connect, or if an error occurs, an error property that contains the error code.



Returns a Promise object. This object's then method provides the onSuccess, onError, and onProgress parameters to enable your code to handle a successful, failed, and in-progress call to the corresponding WL.upload method, respectively; however, the onProgress parameter applies to newer web browsers such as Internet Explorer 10 only.