Class RowColumnDefinition

The RowColumnDefinition class describes constraints on a row or a column in a Panel of type Panel#Table. It also provides information about the actual layout after the Table Panel has been arranged.


Constructor methods



Constructor methods

constructor(): RowColumnDefinition

You do not need to use this constructor, because calls to Panel#getRowDefinition or Panel#getColumnDefinition will automatically create and remember a RowColumnDefinition for you.




public static Default: EnumValue

The default #sizing, which resolves to RowColumnDefinition#None or else the Table Panel's rowSizing and columnSizing if present.

public static None: EnumValue

The default #sizing if none is specified on the Table Panel's rowSizing and columnSizing.

public static ProportionalExtra: EnumValue

If a Table Panel is larger than all the rows then this #sizing grants this row and any others with the same value the extra space, apportioned proportionally between them

public actual: number

Gets the usable row height or column width, after arrangement, that objects in this row or column can be placed within.

public alignment: Spot

Gets or sets a default alignment for elements that are in this row or column.

public background: any

Gets or sets the background Brush (or CSS color string) for a particular row or column, which fills the entire span of the column, including any separatorPadding.

public coversSeparators: boolean

Determines whether or not the background, if there is one, is in front of or behind the separators.

public height: number

Gets or sets the row height.

public index: number

Gets which row or column this RowColumnDefinition describes in the #panel.

public isRow: boolean

Gets whether this describes a row or a column in the #panel.

public maximum: number

Gets or sets the maximum row height or column width.

public minimum: number

Gets or sets the minimum row height or column width.

public panel: Panel

Gets the Panel that this row or column definition is in.

public position: number

Gets the actual arranged row or column starting position, after arrangement.

public separatorDashArray: Array<any>

Gets or sets the dash array for dashing the spacing provided this row or column has a nonzero RowColumnDefinition#separatorStrokeWidth and non-null RowColumnDefinition#separatorStroke.

public separatorPadding: any

Gets or sets the additional padding for a particular row or column, a Margin (or number for a uniform Margin).

public separatorStroke: any

Gets or sets the Brush (or CSS color string) for a particular row or column, provided that row or column has a nonzero RowColumnDefinition#separatorStrokeWidth.

public separatorStrokeWidth: number

Gets or sets the stroke width for a particular row or column's separator,

public sizing: EnumValue

Gets or sets how this row or column deals with a Table Panel's extra space.

public stretch: EnumValue

Gets or sets the default stretch for elements that are in this row or column.

public total: number

Gets the total arranged row height or column width, after arrangement.

public width: number

Gets or sets the column width.


public bind(binding: Binding): any

Add a data-binding of a property on this object to a property on a data object.


