Class Group

This simple layout places all of the Parts in a grid-like arrangement, ordered, spaced apart, and wrapping as needed. It ignores any Links connecting the Nodes being laid out.



Constructor methods



Constructor methods

constructor(type?: EnumValue): Group

Constructs an empty Group with no visual elements and no member parts; normally a Group will have some visual elements surrounding a Placeholder.


  • type?: EnumValue optional

    if not supplied, the default Panel type is Panel.Position.




public actionCancel: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when the ActionTool is cancelled and this GraphObject's #isActionable is set to true.

public actionDown: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute on a mouse-down event when this GraphObject's #isActionable is set to true.

public actionMove: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute on a mouse-move event when this GraphObject's #isActionable is set to true.

public actionUp: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute on a mouse-up event when this GraphObject's #isActionable is set to true.

public actualBounds: Rect

Gets the bounds of this GraphObject in container coordinates.

public adornments: Iterator

Gets an iterator over all of the Adornments associated with this part.

public alignment: Spot

Gets or sets the alignment Spot of this GraphObject used in Panel layouts, to determine where in the area allocated by the panel this object should be placed.

public alignmentFocus: Spot

Gets or sets the spot on this GraphObject to be used as the alignment point in Spot and Fixed Panels.

public angle: number

Gets or sets the angle transform, in degrees, of this GraphObject.

public areaBackground: any

Gets or sets the areaBackground Brush (or CSS color string) of this GraphObject.

public avoidable: boolean

Gets or sets whether this Node is to be avoided by Links whose Link#routing is Link#AvoidsNodes.

public avoidableMargin: any

Gets or sets the Margin (or number for a uniform Margin) around this Node in which avoidable links will not be routed.

public background: any

Gets or sets the background Brush (or CSS color string) of this GraphObject, filling the rectangle of this object's local coordinate space.

public category: string

Gets or sets the category of this part, typically used to distinguish different kinds of nodes or links.

public click: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when the user single-primary-clicks on this object.

public column: number

Gets or sets the column of this GraphObject if it is in a Table Panel.

public columnCount: number

Gets the number of columns in this Panel if it is of #type Panel#Table.

public columnSizing: EnumValue

Gets or sets how this Panel's columns deal with extra space if the Panel is of #type Panel#Table.

public columnSpan: number

Gets or sets the number of columns spanned by this GraphObject if it is in a Table Panel.

public computesBoundsAfterDrag: boolean

Gets or sets whether the size of the area of the Group's #placeholder should remain the same during a DraggingTool move until a drop occurs.

public containingGroup: Group

Gets or sets the Group of which this Part or Node is a member.

public containingGroupChanged: (member: go.Part, oldgrp: go.Group, newgrp: go.Group) => void

Gets or sets the function that is called after this Part has changed which Group it belongs to, if any.

public contextClick: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when the user single-secondary-clicks on this object.

public contextMenu: Adornment

This Adornment is shown upon a context click on this object.

public copyable: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may copy this part.

public cursor: string

Gets or sets the mouse cursor to use when the mouse is over this object with no mouse buttons pressed.

public data: Object

Gets or sets the optional model data to which this panel is data-bound.

public defaultAlignment: Spot

Gets or sets the default alignment spot of this Panel, used as the alignment for an element when its GraphObject#alignment value is Spot#Default.

public defaultColumnSeparatorDashArray: Array<any>

Gets or sets the default dash array for a particular column's separator.

public defaultColumnSeparatorStroke: any

Gets or sets the default Brush stroke (or CSS color string) for columns in a Table Panel provided a given column has a nonzero RowColumnDefinition#separatorStrokeWidth.

public defaultColumnSeparatorStrokeWidth: number

Gets or sets the default stroke width for a particular column's separator.

public defaultRowSeparatorDashArray: Array<any>

Gets or sets the default dash array for a particular row's separator.

public defaultRowSeparatorStroke: any

Gets or sets the default Brush stroke (or CSS color string) for rows in a Table Panel provided a given row has a nonzero RowColumnDefinition#separatorStrokeWidth.

public defaultRowSeparatorStrokeWidth: number

Gets or sets the default stroke width for a particular row's separator.

public defaultSeparatorPadding: any

Gets or sets the additional padding for a particular row or column, a Margin (or number for a uniform Margin).

public defaultStretch: EnumValue

Gets or sets the default stretch of this Panel, used as the stretch for an element when its GraphObject#stretch value is GraphObject#Default.

public deletable: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may delete this part.

public desiredSize: Size

Gets or sets the desired size of this GraphObject in local coordinates.

public diagram: Diagram

Gets the Diagram that this Part is in.

public doubleClick: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when the user double-primary-clicks on this object.

public dragComputation: (part: go.Part, oldloc: go.Point, newloc: go.Point) => go.Point

Gets or sets the function used to determine the location that this Part can be dragged to.

public elements: Iterator

Gets an iterator over the collection of the GraphObjects that this panel manages.

public fromEndSegmentDirection: EnumValue

Gets or sets how the direction of the last segment of a link coming from this port is computed when the node is rotated.

public fromEndSegmentLength: number

Gets or sets the length of the last segment of a link coming from this port.

public fromLinkable: any

Gets or sets whether the user may draw Links from this port.

public fromLinkableDuplicates: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may draw duplicate Links from this port.

public fromLinkableSelfNode: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may draw Links that connect from this port's Node.

public fromMaxLinks: number

Gets or sets the maximum number of links that may come out of this port.

public fromShortLength: number

Gets or sets how far the end segment of a link coming from this port stops short of the actual port.

public fromSpot: Spot

Gets or sets where a link should connect from this port.

public gridCellSize: Size

Gets or sets the distance between lines in a #Grid panel.

public gridOrigin: Point

Gets or sets an origin point for the grid cells in a #Grid panel.

public groupable: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may group this part to be a member of a new Group.

public height: number

Gets or sets the desired height of this GraphObject in local coordinates.

public isActionable: boolean

This property determines whether or not this GraphObject's events occur before all other events, including selection.

public isInDocumentBounds: boolean

Gets or sets whether this Part is part of the document bounds.

public isLayoutPositioned: boolean

Gets or sets whether a Layout positions this Node or routes this Link.

public isLinkLabel: boolean

Gets whether a Node is a label node for a Link.

public isPanelMain: boolean

Gets or sets whether a GraphObject is the "main" object for some types of Panel.

public isSelected: boolean

Gets or sets whether this Part is selected.

public isShadowed: boolean

Gets or sets whether this part will draw shadows.

public isSubGraphExpanded: boolean

Gets or sets whether the subgraph contained by this group is expanded.

public isTopLevel: boolean

Gets whether this part is not member of any Group node nor is it a label node for a Link.

public isTreeExpanded: boolean

Gets or sets whether the subtree graph starting at this node is expanded.

public isTreeLeaf: boolean

Gets whether this node has no tree children.

public itemArray: Array<any>

Gets or sets a JavaScript Array of values or objects, each of which will be represented by a Panel as elements in this Panel.

public itemCategoryProperty: any

Gets or sets the name of the item data property that returns a string describing that data's category, or a function that takes an item data object and returns that string; the default value is the name 'category'.

public itemTemplate: Panel

Gets or sets the default Panel template used as the archetype for item data that are in #itemArray.

public itemTemplateMap: Map

Gets or sets a Map mapping template names to Panels.

public labeledLink: Link

Gets or sets the Link for which this Node is acting as a smart label.

public layer: Layer

Gets the Layer that this Part is in.

public layerChanged: (part: go.Part, oldlayer: go.Layer, newlayer: go.Layer) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when this part changes layers.

public layerName: string

Gets or sets the layer name for this part.

public layout: Layout

Gets or sets the Layout used to position all of the immediate member nodes and links in this group.

public layoutConditions: number

Gets or sets "Layout..." flags that control when the Layout that is responsible for this Part is invalidated.

public leftIndex: number

Gets or sets the first column that this Panel of #type Panel#Table displays.

public linkConnected: (a: go.Node, b: go.Link, c: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function that is called after a Link has been connected with this Node.

public linkDisconnected: (a: go.Node, b: go.Link, c: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function that is called after a Link has been disconnected from this Node.

public linksConnected: Iterator

Gets an iterator over all of the Links that are connected with this node.

public location: Point

Gets or sets the position of this part in document coordinates, based on the #locationSpot in this part's #locationObject.

public locationObject: GraphObject

Gets the GraphObject that determines the location of this Part.

public locationObjectName: string

Gets or sets the name of the GraphObject that provides the location of this Part.

public locationSpot: Spot

Gets or sets the location Spot of this Node, the spot on the #locationObject that is used in positioning this part in the diagram.

public margin: any

Gets or sets the size of empty area around this GraphObject, as a Margin (or number for a uniform Margin), in the containing Panel coordinates.

public maxLocation: Point

Gets or sets the maximum location of this Part to which the user may drag using the DraggingTool.

public maxSize: Size

Gets or sets the maximum size of this GraphObject in container coordinates (either a Panel or the document).

public measuredBounds: Rect

Gets the measuredBounds of the GraphObject in container coordinates (either a Panel or the document).

public memberAdded: (a: go.Group, b: go.Part) => void

Gets or sets the function that is called after a member Part has been added to this Group.

public memberParts: Iterator

Gets an iterator over the member Parts of this Group.

public memberRemoved: (a: go.Group, b: go.Part) => void

Gets or sets the function that is called after a member Part has been removed from this Group.

public memberValidation: (a: go.Group, b: go.Part) => boolean

Gets or sets the predicate that determines whether or not a Part may become a member of this group.

public minLocation: Point

Gets or sets the minimum location of this Part to which the user may drag using the DraggingTool.

public minSize: Size

Gets or sets the minimum size of this GraphObject in container coordinates (either a Panel or the document).

public mouseDragEnter: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject, prev: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when the user moves the mouse into this stationary object during a DraggingTool drag.

public mouseDragLeave: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject, prev: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when the user moves the mouse out of this stationary object during a DraggingTool drag.

public mouseDrop: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when a user drops the selection on this object at the end of a DraggingTool drag.

public mouseEnter: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject, prev: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when the user moves the mouse into this object without holding down any buttons.

public mouseHold: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when the user holds the mouse stationary in the background of the diagram while holding down a button over this object.

public mouseHover: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when the user holds the mouse stationary in the background of the diagram without holding down any buttons over this object.

public mouseLeave: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject, prev: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when the user moves the mouse into this object without holding down any buttons.

public mouseOver: (e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when the user moves the mouse over this object without holding down any buttons.

public movable: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may move this part.

public name: string

Gets or sets the name for this object.

public naturalBounds: Rect

Gets the natural bounding rectangle of this GraphObject in local coordinates, before any transformation by #scale or #angle, and before any resizing due to #minSize or #maxSize or #stretch.

public opacity: number

Gets or sets the multiplicative opacity for this Panel and all children.

public padding: any

Gets or sets the space between this Panel's border and its content, as a Margin (or number for a uniform Margin), depending on the type of panel.

public panel: Panel

Gets the GraphObject's containing Panel, or null if this object is not in a Panel.

public part: Part

Gets the Part containing this object, if any.

public pickable: boolean

Gets or sets whether or not this GraphObject can be chosen by visual "find" methods such as Diagram#findObjectAt.

public placeholder: Placeholder

Gets a Placeholder that this group may contain in its visual tree.

public port: GraphObject

Get the primary GraphObject representing a port in this node.

public portId: string

Gets or sets an identifier for an object acting as a port on a Node.

public ports: Iterator

Gets an iterator over all of the GraphObjects in this node that act as ports.

public position: Point

Gets or sets the position of this GraphObject in container coordinates (either a Panel or the document).

public reshapable: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may reshape this part.

public resizable: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may resize this part.

public resizeAdornmentTemplate: Adornment

Gets or sets the adornment template used to create a resize handle Adornment for this part.

public resizeCellSize: Size

Gets or sets the width and height multiples used when resizing.

public resizeObject: GraphObject

Gets the GraphObject that should get resize handles when this part is selected.

public resizeObjectName: string

Gets or sets the name of the GraphObject that should get a resize handle when this part is selected.

public rotatable: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may rotate this part.

public rotateAdornmentTemplate: Adornment

Gets or sets the adornment template used to create a rotation handle Adornment for this part.

public rotateObject: GraphObject

Gets the GraphObject that should get rotate handles when this part is selected.

public rotateObjectName: string

Gets or sets the name of the GraphObject that should get a rotate handle when this part is selected.

public row: number

Gets or sets the row of this GraphObject if it is in a Table Panel.

public rowCount: number

Gets the number of row in this Panel if it is of #type Panel#Table.

public rowSizing: EnumValue

Gets or sets how this Panel's rows deal with extra space if the Panel is of #type Panel#Table.

public rowSpan: number

Gets or sets the number of rows spanned by this GraphObject if it is in a Table Panel.

public scale: number

Gets or sets the scale transform of this GraphObject.

public segmentFraction: number

Gets or sets the fractional distance along a segment of a GraphObject that is in a Link.

public segmentIndex: number

Gets or sets the segment index of a GraphObject that is in a Link.

public segmentOffset: Point

Gets or sets the offset of a GraphObject that is in a Link from a point on a segment.

public segmentOrientation: EnumValue

Gets or sets the orientation of a GraphObject that is in a Link.

public selectable: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may select this part.

public selectionAdorned: boolean

Gets or sets whether a selection adornment is shown for this part when it is selected.

public selectionAdornmentTemplate: Adornment

Gets or sets the Adornment template used to create a selection handle for this Part.

public selectionChanged: (p: go.Part) => void

Gets or sets the function to execute when this part is selected or deselected.

public selectionObject: GraphObject

Gets the GraphObject that should get a selection handle when this part is selected.

public selectionObjectName: string

Gets or sets the name of the GraphObject that should get a selection handle when this part is selected.

public shadowBlur: number

Gets or sets the numerical value that describes the shadow's blur.

public shadowColor: string

Gets or sets the CSS string that describes a shadow color.

public shadowOffset: Point

Gets or sets the X and Y offset of this part's shadow.

public stretch: EnumValue

Gets or sets the stretch of the GraphObject.

public subGraphExpandedChanged: (a: go.Group) => void

Gets or sets the function that is called when #isSubGraphExpanded has changed value.

public text: string

Gets or sets a text string that is associated with this part.

public textEditable: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may do in-place text editing on TextBlocks in this part that have TextBlock#editable set to true.

public toEndSegmentDirection: EnumValue

Gets or sets how the direction of the last segment of a link going to this port is computed when the node is rotated.

public toEndSegmentLength: number

Gets or sets the length of the last segment of a link going to this port.

public toLinkable: any

Gets or sets whether the user may draw Links to this port.

public toLinkableDuplicates: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may draw duplicate Links to this port.

public toLinkableSelfNode: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may draw Links that connect to this port's Node.

public toMaxLinks: number

Gets or sets the maximum number of links that may go into this port.

public toShortLength: number

Gets or sets how far the end segment of a link going to this port stops short of the actual port.

public toSpot: Spot

Gets or sets where a link should connect to this port.

public toolTip: Adornment

This Adornment is shown when the mouse hovers over this object.

public topIndex: number

Gets or sets the first row that this this Panel of #type Panel#Table displays.

public treeExpandedChanged: (node: go.Node) => void

Gets or sets the function that is called when #isTreeExpanded has changed value.

public type: EnumValue

Gets or sets the type of the Panel.

public ungroupable: boolean

Gets or sets whether the user may ungroup this group.

public viewboxStretch: EnumValue

Gets or sets how a #Viewbox panel will resize its content.

public visible: boolean

Gets or sets whether a GraphObject is visible.

public wasSubGraphExpanded: boolean

Gets or sets whether the subgraph starting at this group had been collapsed by a call to #expandSubGraph on the containing Group.

public wasTreeExpanded: boolean

Gets or sets whether the subtree graph starting at this node had been collapsed by a call to #expandTree on the parent node.

public width: number

Gets or sets the desired width of this GraphObject in local coordinates.


public add(element: GraphObject): any

Adds a GraphObject to the end of this Panel's list of elements, visually in front of all of the other elements.




public addAdornment(category: string, ad: Adornment): any

Associate an Adornment with this Part, perhaps replacing any existing adornment.


  • category: string

    a string identifying the kind or role of the given adornment for this Part.

  • ad: Adornment



public addMembers(coll: Iterable, check?: boolean): boolean

Add the Parts in the given collection as members of this Group for those Parts for which CommandHandler#isValidMember returns true.


  • coll: Iterable
  • check?: boolean optional

    whether to call CommandHandler#isValidMember to confirm that it is valid to add the Part to be a member of this Group.



public bind(binding: Binding): any

Add a data-binding of a property on this GraphObject to a property on a data object.




public canAddMembers(coll: Iterable): boolean

See if the given collection of Parts contains non-Links all for which CommandHandler#isValidMember returns true.




public canCopy(): boolean

This predicate returns true if #copyable is true, if the layer's Layer#allowCopy is true, and if the diagram's Diagram#allowCopy is true.



public canDelete(): boolean

This predicate returns true if #deletable is true, if the layer's Layer#allowDelete is true, and if the diagram's Diagram#allowDelete is true.



public canEdit(): boolean

This predicate returns true if #textEditable is true, if the layer's Layer#allowTextEdit is true, and if the diagram's Diagram#allowTextEdit is true.



public canGroup(): boolean

This predicate returns true if #groupable is true, if the layer's Layer#allowGroup is true, and if the diagram's Diagram#allowGroup is true.



public canLayout(): boolean

This predicate is called by Layout implementations to decide whether this Part should be positioned and might affect the positioning of other Parts.



public canMove(): boolean

This predicate returns true if #movable is true, if the layer's Layer#allowMove is true, and if the diagram's Diagram#allowMove is true.



public canReshape(): boolean

This predicate returns true if #reshapable is true, if the layer's Layer#allowReshape is true, and if the diagram's Diagram#allowReshape is true.



public canResize(): boolean

This predicate returns true if #resizable is true, if the layer's Layer#allowResize is true, and if the diagram's Diagram#allowResize is true.



public canRotate(): boolean

This predicate returns true if #rotatable is true, if the layer's Layer#allowRotate is true, and if the diagram's Diagram#allowRotate is true.



public canSelect(): boolean

This predicate returns true if #selectable is true, if the layer's Layer#allowSelect is true, and if the diagram's Diagram#allowSelect is true.



public canUngroup(): boolean

This predicate returns true if #ungroupable is true, if the layer's Layer#allowUngroup is true, and if the diagram's Diagram#allowUngroup is true.



public clearAdornments(): any

Remove all adornments associated with this part.



public collapseSubGraph(): any

Hide each of the member nodes and links of this group, and recursively collapse any member groups.



public collapseTree(level?: number): any

Hide each child node and the connecting link, and recursively collapse each child node.


  • level?: number optional

    How many levels of the tree, starting at this node, to keep expanded if already expanded; the default is 1, hiding all tree children of this node. Values less than 1 are treated as 1.



public copy(): Panel

Creates a deep copy of this Panel and returns it.



public elt(idx: number): GraphObject

Returns the GraphObject in this Panel's list of elements at the specified index.


  • idx: number

    a zero-based index



public ensureBounds(): any



public expandSubGraph(): any

Show each member node and link, and perhaps recursively expand nested subgraphs.



public expandTree(level?: number): any

Show each child node and the connecting link, and perhaps recursively expand their child nodes.


  • level?: number optional

    How many levels of the tree should be expanded; the default is 2, showing all tree children of this node and potentially more. Values less than 2 are treated as 2.



public findAdornment(category: string): Adornment

Find an Adornment of a given category associated with this Part.


  • category: string



public findColumnForLocalX(x: number): number

Returns the cell at a given x-coordinate in local coordinates.


  • x: number



public findCommonContainingGroup(other: Part): Group

Find the Group that contains both this part and another one.




public findLinksBetween(othernode: Node, pid?: string, otherpid?: string): Iterator

Returns an iterator over all of the Links that go from this node to another node or vice-versa, perhaps limited to a given port id on this node and a port id on the other node.


  • othernode: Node
  • pid?: string optional

    A port identifier string; if null the link's portId is ignored and all links are included in the search.

  • otherpid?: string optional

    A port identifier string; if null the link's portId is ignored and all links are included in the search.



public findLinksConnected(pid?: string): Iterator

Returns an iterator over all of the Links that connect with this node in either direction, perhaps limited to the given port id on this node.


  • pid?: string optional

    A port identifier string; if null the link's portId is ignored and all links are included in the search.



public findLinksInto(pid?: string): Iterator

Returns an iterator over all of the Links that go into this node, perhaps limited to the given port id on this node.


  • pid?: string optional

    A port identifier string; if null the link's portId is ignored and all links are included in the search.



public findLinksOutOf(pid?: string): Iterator

Returns an iterator over all of the Links that come out of this node, perhaps limited to the given port id on this node.


  • pid?: string optional

    A port identifier string; if null the link's portId is ignored and all links are included in the search.



public findLinksTo(othernode: Node, pid?: string, otherpid?: string): Iterator

Returns an iterator over all of the Links that go from this node to another node, perhaps limited to a given port id on this node and a port id on the other node.


  • othernode: Node
  • pid?: string optional

    A port identifier string; if null the link's portId is ignored and all links are included in the search.

  • otherpid?: string optional

    A port identifier string; if null the link's portId is ignored and all links are included in the search.



public findNodesConnected(pid?: string): Iterator

Returns an iterator over the Nodes that are connected with this node in either direction, perhaps limited to the given port id on this node.


  • pid?: string optional

    A port identifier string; if null the link's portId is ignored and all links are included in the search.



public findNodesInto(pid?: string): Iterator

Returns an iterator over the Nodes that are connected with this node by links going into this node, perhaps limited to the given port id on this node.


  • pid?: string optional

    A port identifier string; if null the link's portId is ignored and all links are included in the search.



public findNodesOutOf(pid?: string): Iterator

Returns an iterator over the Nodes that are connected with this node by links coming out of this node, perhaps limited to the given port id on this node.


  • pid?: string optional

    A port identifier string; if null the link's portId is ignored and all links are included in the search.



public findObject(name: string): GraphObject

Search the visual tree starting at this Panel for a GraphObject whose GraphObject#name is the given name.


  • name: string

    The name to search for, using a case-sensitive string comparison.



public findPort(pid: string): GraphObject

Find a GraphObject with a given GraphObject#portId.


  • pid: string



public findRowForLocalY(y: number): number

Returns the row at a given y-coordinate in local coordinates.


  • y: number



public findSubGraphParts(): Set

Return a collection of Parts that are all of the nodes and links that are members of this group, including inside nested groups, but excluding this group itself.



public findTopLevelPart(): Part

Gets the top-level Part for this part, which is itself when #isTopLevel is true.



public findTreeChildrenLinks(): Iterator

Returns an Iterator for the collection of Links that connect with the immediate tree children of this node.



public findTreeChildrenNodes(): Iterator

Returns an Iterator for the collection of Nodes that are the immediate tree children of this node.



public findTreeParentLink(): Link

Returns the Link that connects with the tree parent Node of this node if the graph is tree-structured, if there is such a link and Link#isTreeLink is true.



public findTreeParentNode(): Node

Returns the Node that is the tree parent of this node if the graph is tree-structured, if there is a parent.



public findTreeParts(level?: number): Set

Return a collection of Parts including this Node, all of the Links going to child Nodes, and all of their tree child nodes and links.


  • level?: number optional

    How many levels of the tree, starting at this node, to include; the default is Infinity, including all tree children of this node. Values less than 1 are treated as 1.



public findTreeRoot(): Node

Return the Node that is at the root of the tree that this node is in, perhaps this node itself.



public getColumnDefinition(idx: number): RowColumnDefinition

Gets the RowColumnDefinition for a particular column in this Table Panel.


  • idx: number

    the non-negative zero-based integer column index.



public getDocumentAngle(): number

Returns the effective angle that the object is drawn at, in document coordinates.



public getDocumentPoint(s: Spot, result?: Point): Point

Returns the Point in document coordinates for a given Spot in this object's bounds.


  • s: Spot

    a real Spot describing a location relative to the GraphObject.

  • result?: Point optional

    an optional Point that is modified and returned.



public getDocumentScale(): number

Returns the total scale that the object is drawn at, in document coordinates.



public getLocalPoint(p: Point, result?: Point): Point

Given a Point in document coordinates, returns a new Point in local coordinates.


  • p: Point

    a Point in document coordinates.

  • result?: Point optional

    an optional Point that is modified and returned.



public getRowDefinition(idx: number): RowColumnDefinition

Gets the RowColumnDefinition for a particular row in this Table Panel.


  • idx: number

    the non-negative zero-based integer row index.



public insertAt(index: number, element: GraphObject): any

Adds a GraphObject to the Panel's list of elements at the specified index.




public invalidateLayout(condition?: number): any

Invalidate the Layout that is responsible for positioning this Part.


  • condition?: number optional

    the reason that the layout should be invalidated -- some combination of "Layout..." flag values; if this argument is not supplied, any value of #layoutConditions other than Part#LayoutNone will allow the layout to be invalidated.



public isContainedBy(panel: GraphObject): boolean

This predicate is true if this object is an element, perhaps indirectly, of the given panel.


  • panel: GraphObject

    or if it is contained by another panel that is contained by the given panel, to any depth; false if the argument is null or is not a Panel.



public isInTreeOf(node: Node): boolean

This predicate is true if this node is a child of the given Node, perhaps indirectly as a descendant.


  • node: Node

    the Node that might be a parent or ancestor of this node.



public isMemberOf(part: Part): boolean

This predicate is true if this part is a member of the given Part, perhaps indirectly.




public isVisible(): boolean

This predicate is true if this Part can be seen.



public isVisibleObject(): boolean

This predicate is true if this object is #visible and each of its visual containing panels are also visible.



public move(newpos: Point): any

Move this Group and all of its member parts, recursively.


  • newpos: Point

    a new Point in document coordinates.



public rebuildItemElements(): any

Create and add new GraphObjects corresponding to and bound to the data in the #itemArray, after removing all existing elements from this Panel.



public remove(element: GraphObject): any

Removes a GraphObject from this Panel's list of elements.




public removeAdornment(category: string): any

Remove any Adornment of the given category that may be associated with this Part.


  • category: string

    a string identifying the kind or role of the given adornment for this Part.



public removeAt(idx: number): any

Removes an GraphObject from this Panel's list of elements at the specified index.


  • idx: number



public removeColumnDefinition(idx: number): any

Removes the RowColumnDefinition for a particular row in this Table Panel.


  • idx: number

    the non-negative zero-based integer row index.



public removeRowDefinition(idx: number): any

Removes the RowColumnDefinition for a particular row in this Table Panel.


  • idx: number

    the non-negative zero-based integer row index.



public updateAdornments(): any

This is responsible for creating any selection Adornment (if this Part #isSelected) and any tool adornments for this part.



public updateTargetBindings(srcprop?: string): any

Re-evaluate all data bindings on this Part, in order to assign new property values to the GraphObjects in this visual tree based on this this object's #data property values.


  • srcprop?: string optional

    An optional source data property name: when provided, only evaluates those Bindings that use that particular property; when not provided or when it is the empty string, all bindings are evaluated.

