A ChangedEvent represents a change to an object, typically a GraphObject, but also for model data, a Model, or a Diagram. The most common case is for remembering the name of a property and the before-and-after values for that property. You can listen for changed events on the model using Model#addChangedListener and on the Diagram using Diagram#addChangedListener.
The ChangedEvent class constructor produces an empty ChangedEvent object.
For inserting into collections, and used as the value for ChangedEvent#change.
For simple property changes, and used as the value for ChangedEvent#change.
For removing from collections, and used as the value for ChangedEvent#change.
For informational events, such as transactions and undo/redo operations, and used as the value for ChangedEvent#change.
Gets or sets the nature of change that occurred.
Gets or sets the Diagram that was modified.
Gets or sets the Model or TreeModel or GraphLinksModel that was modified.
Gets the name of the model change, reflecting a change to model data in addition to a change to the model itself.
Gets or sets an optional value associated with the new value.
Gets or sets the next or current value that the property has.
Gets or sets the Object that was modified.
Gets or sets an optional value associated with the old value.
Gets or sets the previous or old value that the property had.
Gets or sets the name of the property change.
This predicate returns true if you can call redo().
This predicate returns true if you can call undo().
Forget any object references that this ChangedEvent may have.
Make a copy of this ChangedEvent.
This is a convenient method to get the right parameter value, depending on the value of undo, when implementing a state change as part of an undo or a redo.
If true, returns the oldParam, otherwise returns the newParam.
This is a convenient method to get the right value, depending on the value of undo, when implementing a state change as part of an undo or a redo.
If true, returns the oldValue, otherwise returns the newValue.
Re-perform this object change after an undo().
Reverse the effects of this object change.