Interface Spec




optional public axes?: Axis[]

Axis definitions.

public data: Data[]

Definitions of data to visualize.

optional public height?: number

The total height, in pixels, of the data rectangle. Default is 500 if undefined.

optional public legends?: Legend[]

Legend definitions.

public marks: Mark[]

Graphical mark definitions.

optional public name?: string

A unique name for the visualization specification.

optional public padding?: any

[Number | Object | String] The internal padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization canvas to the data rectangle. If an object is provided, it must include {top, left, right, bottom} properties. Two string values are also acceptable: "auto" (the default) and "strict". Auto-padding computes the padding dynamically based on the contents of the visualization. All marks, including axes and legends, are used to compute the necessary padding. "Strict" auto-padding attempts to adjust the padding such that the overall width and height of the visualization is unchanged. This mode can cause the visualization's width and height parameters to be adjusted such that the total size, including padding, remains constant. Note that in some cases strict padding is not possible; for example, if the axis labels are much larger than the data rectangle.

optional public scales?: Scale[]

Scale transform definitions.

optional public viewport?: Array<number>

The width and height of the on-screen viewport, in pixels. If necessary, clipping and scrolling will be applied.

optional public width?: number

The total width, in pixels, of the data rectangle. Default is 500 if undefined.