Interface Data





Format: Format

optional public type?: string

The currently supported format types are json (JavaScript Object Notation), csv (comma-separated values), tsv (tab-separated values), topojson, and treejson.

Transform: Transform


optional public format?: Format

An object that specifies the format for the data file, if loaded from a URL.

public name: string

A unique name for the data set.

optional public source?: string

The name of another data set to use as the source for this data set. The source property is particularly useful in combination with a transform pipeline to derive new data.

optional public transform?: Transform[]

An array of transforms to perform on the data. Transform operators will be run on the default data, as provided by late-binding or as specified by the source, values, or url properties.

optional public url?: string

A URL from which to load the data set. Use the format property to ensure the loaded data is correctly parsed. If the format property is not specified, the data is assumed to be in a row-oriented JSON format.

optional public values?: any

The actual data set to use. The values property allows data to be inlined directly within the specification itself.