Interface Column

Options which you can apply to the columns objects.




optional public asyncPostRender?: (cellNode: any, row: any, dataContext: any, colDef: any) => void

This accepts a function of the form function(cellNode, row, dataContext, colDef) and is used to post-process the cell's DOM node / nodes


optional public behavior?: any

Used by the the slick.rowMoveManager.js plugin for moving rows. Has no effect without the plugin installed.

optional public cannotTriggerInsert?: boolean

In the "Add New" row, determines whether clicking cells in this column can trigger row addition. If true, clicking on the cell in this column in the "Add New" row will not trigger row addition.

optional public cssClass?: string

Accepts a string as a class name, applies that class to every row cell in the column.

optional public defaultSortAsc?: boolean

When set to true, the first user click on the header will do a descending sort. When set to false, the first user click on the header will do an ascending sort.

optional public editor?: Editor

The editor for cell edits {TextEditor, IntegerEditor, DateEditor...} See slick.editors.js

optional public field?: string

The property name in the data object to pull content from. (This is assumed to be on the root of the data object.)

optional public focusable?: boolean

When set to false, clicking on a cell in this column will not select the row for that cell. The cells in this column will also be skipped during tab navigation.

optional public formatter?: Formatter

This accepts a function of the form function(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) and returns a formatted version of the data in each cell of this column. For example, setting formatter to function(r, c, v, cd, dc) { return "Hello!"; } would overwrite every value in the column with "Hello!" See defaultFormatter in slick.grid.js for an example formatter.


optional public header?: Header

optional public headerCssClass?: string

Accepts a string as a class name, applies that class to the cell for the column header.

optional public id?: string

A unique identifier for the column within the grid.

optional public maxWidth?: number

Set the maximum allowable width of this column, in pixels.

optional public minWidth?: number

Set the minimum allowable width of this column, in pixels.

optional public name?: string

The text to display on the column heading.

optional public rerenderOnResize?: boolean

If set to true, whenever this column is resized, the entire table view will rerender.

optional public resizable?: boolean

If false, column can no longer be resized.

optional public selectable?: boolean

If false, when a row is selected, the CSS class for selected cells ("selected" by default) is not applied to the cell in this column.

optional public sortAsc?: boolean

optional public sortCol?: string

optional public sortable?: boolean

If true, the column will be sortable by clicking on the header.

optional public toolTip?: string

If set to a non-empty string, a tooltip will appear on hover containing the string.

optional public width?: number

Width of the column in pixels. (May often be overridden by things like minWidth, maxWidth, forceFitColumns, etc.)