Class SelectionModel

Selecting cells in SlickGrid is handled by a selection model. Selection models are controllers responsible for handling user interactions and notifying subscribers of the changes in the selection. Selection is represented as an array of Slick.Range objects. You can get the current selection model from the grid by calling getSelectionModel() and set a different one using setSelectionModel(selectionModel). By default, no selection model is set. The grid also provides two helper methods to simplify development - getSelectedRows() and setSelectedRows(rowsArray), as well as an onSelectedRowsChanged event. SlickGrid includes two pre-made selection models - Slick.CellSelectionModel and Slick.RowSelectionModel, but you can easily write a custom one.





public onSelectedRangesChanged: Event


public destroy()

A destructor function that will be called whenever a selection model is unregistered from the grid by a call to setSelectionModel with another selection model or whenever a grid with this selection model is destroyed. The selection model can use this destructor to unsubscribe from grid events and release all resources (remove DOM nodes, event listeners, etc.).

public init(grid: Grid)

An initializer function that will be called with an instance of the grid whenever a selection model is registered with setSelectionModel. The selection model can use this to initialize its state and subscribe to grid events.
