Represents field schema in a list view.
Specifies if the field can be edited while list view is in the Grid mode
Either "TRUE" or "FALSE"
Either "TRUE" or "FALSE"
Target lookup list display form URL, including PageType and List attributes.
Either "TRUE" or "FALSE"
String representation of the field type, e.g. "Lookup". Same as SPField.TypeAsString
Indicates whether the field can be filtered. Either "TRUE" or "FALSE"
Either "TRUE" or "FALSE"
Set to "TRUE" for fields that comply to the following Xpath query: ViewFields/FieldRef[@Explicit='TRUE'] | Query/GroupBy/FieldRef[not(@Name=ViewFields/FieldRef/@Name)]
Either "TRUE" or "FALSE"
Guid of the field
Internal name of the field
Either "TRUE" or "FALSE"
Indicates whether the field can be sorted. Either "TRUE" or "FALSE"
For OOTB fields, returns the type of field. For "UserMulti" returns "User", for "LookupMulti" returns "Lookup". For custom field types, returns base type of the field.
Specifies if the field contains list item menu. Corresponds to ViewFields/FieldRef/@ListItemMenu attribute. Either "TRUE" or "FALSE" and might be missing.