Represents schema for a Choice field in list form or in list view in grid mode
Specifies if the field can be edited while list view is in the Grid mode
List of choices for this field.
Description for this field.
Direction of the reading order for the field.
String representation of the field type, e.g. "Lookup". Same as SPField.TypeAsString
Display format for the choice field
Indicates whether the field is hidden
Specifies Input Method Editor (IME) mode bias to use for the field. The IME enables conversion of keystrokes between languages when one writing system has more characters than can be encoded for the given keyboard.
Guid of the field
Internal name of the field
Specifies if the field is read only
Specifies wherever field requires values
Title of the field
For OOTB fields, returns the type of field. For "UserMulti" returns "User", for "LookupMulti" returns "Lookup". For custom field types, returns base type of the field.
If SPFarm.Local.UseMinWidthForHtmlPicker is true, UseMinWidth will be set to true. Undefined in other cases.