[Config Option] (String[])
[Config Option] (String/String[])
[Config Option] (Object)
[Config Option] (String)
[Config Option] (Object)
[Config Option] (Object)
[Config Option] (Object)
[Property] (Ext.Class)
[Config Option] (Boolean)
[Config Option] (Object)
[Config Option] (String[])
[Method] Call the original method that was previously overridden with override This method is deprecated as callParent does
Array/Arguments The arguments, either an array or the arguments object from the current method, for example: this.callOverridden(arguments)
Object Returns the result of calling the overridden method
[Method] Call the parent method of the current method
Array/Arguments The arguments, either an array or the arguments object from the current method, for example: this.callParent(arguments)
Object Returns the result of calling the parent method
[Method] This method is used by an override to call the superclass method but bypass any overridden method
Array/Arguments The arguments, either an array or the arguments object from the current method, for example: this.callSuper(arguments)
Object Returns the result of calling the superclass method
[Method] Copy a new instance of this point
Ext.util.Point The new point.
[Method] Clones this Point
Ext.util.Point The new point.
[Method] Copy the x and y values of another point object to this point itself
Ext.util.Point/Object .
Ext.util.Point This point.
[Method] Compare this point and another point
Ext.util.Point/Object The point to compare with, either an instance of Ext.util.Point or an object with x and y properties.
Boolean Returns whether they are equivalent.
[Method] Returns the initial configuration passed to constructor
String When supplied, value for particular configuration option is returned, otherwise the full config object is returned.
[Method] Initialize configuration for this class
Object mixins The mixin prototypes as key - value pairs
[Method] Whether the given point is not away from this point within the given threshold amount
Ext.util.Point/Object The point to check with, either an instance of Ext.util.Point or an object with x and y properties.
Object/Number Can be either an object with x and y properties or a number.
[Method] Returns true if this point is close to another one
[Method] Compare this point with another point when the x and y values of both points are rounded
Ext.util.Point/Object The point to compare with, either an instance of Ext.util.Point or an object with x and y properties.
[Method] Returns a human eye friendly string that represents this point useful for debugging
String For example Point[12,8].
[Method] Translate this point by the given amounts
Number Amount to translate in the x-axis.
Number Amount to translate in the y-axis.