[Method] Add methods properties to the prototype of this class
[Method] Add override static properties of this class
Ext.Base this
[Method] Create a new instance of this Class
Object the created instance.
[Method] Create aliases for existing prototype methods
String/Object The new method name, or an object to set multiple aliases. See flexSetter
String/Object The original method name
[Method] Creates new Region from an object Ext util Region from top 0 right 5 bottom 3 left 1 the above is eq
Object An object with top, right, bottom, and left properties.
Ext.util.Region The region constructed based on the passed object.
[Method] Get the current class name in string format
String className
[Method] Retrieves an Ext util Region for a particular element
String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element The element or its ID.
Ext.util.Region region
[Method] Override members of this class
Object The properties to add to this class. This should be specified as an object literal containing one or more properties.
Ext.Base this class