Class GridLayout

Represents a grid layout for the ListView in which items are arranged in a horizontal grid.


Constructor methods



Constructor methods

constructor(options?: any): GridLayout

Creates a new GridLayout object.



  • options?: any optional

    The set of properties and values to apply to the new GridLayout.




public backdropColor: string

This property is no longer supported. Starting with Windows Library for JavaScript 2.0, use the CSS selector.

public disableBackdrop: boolean

This property is no longer supported. Starting with Windows Library for JavaScript 2.0, use the CSS selector.

public groupHeaderPosition: HeaderPosition

Gets or sets the position of group headers.

public groupInfo: Function

This property is no longer supported. Starting with the Windows Library for JavaScript 2.0, use a CellSpanningLayout.

public horizontal: boolean

This property is no longer supported. Starting with the Windows Library for JavaScript 2.0, use the orientation property instead.

public itemInfo: Function

This property is no longer supported. Starting with the Windows Library for JavaScript 2.0, use a CellSpanningLayout.

public maxRows: number

This property is no longer supported. Starting with Windows Library for JavaScript 2.0, use the maximumRowsOrColumns property.

public maximumRowsOrColumns: number

Gets or set the maximum number of rows or columns, depending on the orientation, to display before content begins to wrap.

public numberOfItemsPerItemsBlock: any

This API supports the WinJS infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public orientation: Orientation

Gets or sets the orientation of the GridLayout.


public calculateFirstVisible(beginScrollPosition: number, wholeItem: boolean)

This method is no longer supported.


  • beginScrollPosition: number
  • wholeItem: boolean

public calculateLastVisible(endScrollPosition: number, wholeItem: boolean)

This method is no longer supported.


  • endScrollPosition: number
  • wholeItem: boolean

public dragLeave()

This API supports the WinJS infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public dragOver()

This API supports the WinJS infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public endLayout()

This method is no longer supported.

public executeAnimations()

This API supports the WinJS infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public getItemPosition(itemIndex: number)

This method is no longer supported.


  • itemIndex: number

public getKeyboardNavigatedItem(itemIndex: number, element: any, keyPressed: any)

This method is no longer supported.


  • itemIndex: number
  • element: any
  • keyPressed: any

public getScrollbarRange(beginScrollPosition: number, endScrollPosition: number)

This method is no longer supported.


  • beginScrollPosition: number
  • endScrollPosition: number

public hitTest(x: number, y: number)

This API supports the WinJS infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


  • x: number

    The x-coordinate, or the horizontal position on the screen.

  • y: number

    The y-coordinate, or the vertical position on the screen.

public init()

This method is no longer supported.

public initialize(site: ILayoutSite2, groupsEnabled: boolean)

This API supports the WinJS infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


  • site: ILayoutSite2

    The rendering site for the layout.

  • groupsEnabled: boolean

    Set to true if this layout supports groups; set to false if it does not.

public itemsAdded(elements: any)

This method is no longer supported.


  • elements: any

public itemsFromRange(firstPixel: number, lastPixel: number)

This API supports the WinJS infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


  • firstPixel: number

    The first pixel the range of items falls between.

  • lastPixel: number

    The last pixel the range of items falls between.

public itemsMoved()

This method is no longer supported.

public itemsRemoved(elements: any)

This method is no longer supported.


  • elements: any

public layout(tree: any, changedRange: any, modifiedItems: any, modifiedGroups: any)

This API supports the WinJS infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


  • tree: any
  • changedRange: any
  • modifiedItems: any
  • modifiedGroups: any

public layoutHeader(groupIndex: number, element: any)

This method is no longer supported.


  • groupIndex: number
  • element: any

    A DOM element.

public layoutItem(itemIndex: number, element: any)

This method is no longer supported.


  • itemIndex: number
  • element: any

    A DOM element.

public prepareHeader(element: HTMLElement)

This method is no longer supported.


  • element: HTMLElement

public prepareItem(itemIndex: number, element: any)

This method is no longer supported.


  • itemIndex: number
  • element: any

    A DOM element.

public releaseItem(item: any, newItem: any)

This method is no longer supported.


  • item: any
  • newItem: any

public reset()

This method is no longer supported.

public setSite(layoutSite: any)

This method is no longer supported.


  • layoutSite: any

public setupAnimations()

This API supports the WinJS infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public startLayout(beginScrollPosition: number, endScrollPositionScrollPosition: number)

This method is no longer supported.


  • beginScrollPosition: number
  • endScrollPositionScrollPosition: number

public uninitialize()

This API supports the WinJS infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public updateBackdrop(count: number)

This method is no longer supported.


  • count: number