Class DOMEventMixin

Adds event-related methods to the control.




public addEventListener(type: string, listener: Function, useCapture?: boolean)

Adds an event listener to the control.


  • type: string

    The type (name) of the event.

  • listener: Function

    The listener to invoke when the event gets raised.

  • useCapture?: boolean optional

    true to initiate capture; otherwise, false.

public dispatchEvent(type: string, eventProperties: any): boolean

Raises an event of the specified type, adding the specified additional properties.


  • type: string

    The type (name) of the event.

  • eventProperties: any

    The set of additional properties to be attached to the event object when the event is raised.



true if preventDefault was called on the event, otherwise false.

public removeEventListener(type: string, listener: Function, useCapture?: boolean)

Removes an event listener from the control.


  • type: string

    The type (name) of the event.

  • listener: Function

    The listener to remove.

  • useCapture?: boolean optional

    true to initiate capture; otherwise, false.

public setOptions(control: any, options: any)

Adds the set of declaratively specified options (properties and events) to the specified control. If the name of the options property begins with "on", the property value is a function and the control supports addEventListener. This method calls the addEventListener method on the control.


  • control: any

    The control on which the properties and events are to be applied.

  • options: any

    The set of options that are specified declaratively.