Class PageLoadingEventArgs

Used by the pageLoading event of the PageRequestManager class to send event data that represents the UpdatePanel controls that are being updated and deleted as a result of the most recent postback.





Constructor methods



Constructor methods

constructor(): PageLoadingEventArgs

Initializes a new instance of the PageLoadingEventArgs class.




public Empty: EventArgs

An object of type EventArgs that is used as a convenient way to specify an empty EventArgs instance.


public get_dataItems(): any

Gets a JSON data structure that contains data items that were registered by using the RegisterDataItem method of the ScriptManager class. page or control must be in partial-page rendering mode to register data items that use the RegisterDataItem method of the ScriptManager class. Use the IsInAsyncPostBack property to check whether the page is in partial-page rendering mode. The dataItems property returns a JSON data structure that contains name/value pairs. The name is the unique ID of the control that is used in the control parameter of the RegisterDataItem method. The value is the dataItem parameter of the RegisterDataItem method.



A JSON data structure that contains name/value pairs that were registered as data items by using the RegisterDataItem method of the ScriptManager class.

public get_panelsDeleted(): Array<HTMLDivElement>

Gets an array of HTML

elements that represent UpdatePanel controls that will be deleted from the DOM as a result of the current asynchronous postback. If the contents of an UpdatePanel control will be deleted as the result of a partial-page update, the array that is referenced in the panelsDeleting property of the PageLoadingEventArgs class contains a reference to the corresponding
element. The pageLoading event of the Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager class uses a PageLoadingEventArgs object to return its event data.



An array of

elements that will be deleted from the DOM. If no elements will be deleted, the property returns null.

public get_panelsUpdating(): Array<HTMLDivElement>

Gets an array of HTML

elements that represent UpdatePanel controls that will be updated in the DOM as a result of the current asynchronous postback. If the contents of any UpdatePanel controls will be updated as the result of a partial-page update, the panelsUpdating property contains an array that references the corresponding
elements. The pageLoading event of the Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager class uses a PageLoadingEventArgs object to return its event data.



An array of

elements that will be updated in the DOM. If no elements will be updated, the property returns null.