Module Sys









Application: Application

Provides a run-time object that exposes client events and manages client components that are registered with the application. The members of this object are available globally after the client application has been initialized. The members can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.



public addComponent(component: any)

Registers a component with the application and initializes it if the component is not already initialized.


  • component: any

public addHistoryPoint(state: Object, title?: string)

Creates a history point and adds it to the browser's history stack.


  • state: Object
  • title?: string optional

public add_init(handler: Function)

Raised after all scripts have been loaded but before objects are created.


  • handler: Function

public add_load(handler: Function)

Raised after all scripts have been loaded and after the objects in the application have been created and initialized.


  • handler: Function

public add_navigate(handler: Function)

Occurs when the user clicks the browser's Back or Forward button.


  • handler: Function

public add_unload(handler: Function)

Raised before all objects in the client application are disposed, typically when the DOM window.unload event is raised.


  • handler: Function

public beginCreateComponents()

Instructs the application to start creating components.

public beginUpdate()

Called by the Sys.Application.beginUpdate Method to indicate that the process of setting component properties of the application has begun.

public constructor()

public dispose()

Releases resources and dependencies held by the client application.

public disposeElement(element: Element, childNodesOnly: boolean)

Releases resources and dependencies associated with an element and its child nodes.


  • element: Element
          The element to dispose.
  • childNodesOnly: boolean
          A boolean value used to determine whether to dispose of the element and its child nodes or to dispose only its child nodes.

public endCreateComponents()

Instructs the application to finalize component creation.

public endUpdate()

Called by the Sys.Application.endCreateComponents Method to indicate that the process of updating the application has completed.

public findComponent(id: string, parent?: Component): Component

Returns the specified Component object. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.




A Component object that contains the component requested by ID, if found; otherwise, null.

public findComponent(id: string, parent?: HTMLElement): Component

Returns the specified Component object. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.


  • id: string
  • parent?: HTMLElement optional



A Component object that contains the component requested by ID, if found; otherwise, null.

public getComponents(): Component[]

Returns an array of all components that have been registered with the application by using the addComponent method. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.



public get_enableHistory(): boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Web application supports history point management.



public get_isCreatingComponents(): boolean

Gets a value that indicates whether the application is in the process of creating components. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.



public get_isDisposing(): boolean

Gets a value that indicates whether the application is in the process of disposing its resources. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.



public initialize()

This function supports the client-script infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

public notifyScriptLoaded()

Called by a referenced script to indicate that it has been loaded. This API is obsolete. You no longer need to call this method in order to notify the Microsoft Ajax Library that the JavaScript file has been loaded.

public raiseLoad()

Raises the load event. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.

public raisePropertyChanged(propertyName: string)

Raises the Sys.INotifyPropertyChange.propertyChanged event.


  • propertyName: string

public registerDisposableObject(object: any)

Registers with the application an object that will require disposing. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.


  • object: any

public removeComponent(component: Component)

Removes the object from the application and disposes the object if it is disposable. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.


public remove_init(handler: Function)

Raised after all scripts have been loaded but before objects are created.


  • handler: Function

public remove_load(handler: Function)

Raised after all scripts have been loaded and after the objects in the application have been created and initialized.


  • handler: Function

public remove_navigate(handler: Function)

Occurs when the user clicks the browser's Back or Forward button.


  • handler: Function

public remove_unload(handler: Function)

Raised before all objects in the client application are disposed, typically when the DOM window.unload event is raised.


  • handler: Function

public set_enableHistory(value: boolean)

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Web application supports history point management.


  • value: boolean
          true to allow the Web application to support history points, or false to not allow history points.

public unregisterDisposableObject(object: any)

Unregisters a disposable object from the application. This member is static and can be invoked without creating an instance of the class.


  • object: any

public updated()

Called by the Sys.Application.endUpdate method as a placeholder for additional logic.


Browser(): Browser

Provides information about the current Web browser. The Sys.Browser object determines which browser is being used and provides some information about it. You can use this object to help customize your code to the unique requirements or capabilities of the browser.



public agent: any

Gets an object that represents the user agent of the browser.

public documentMode: number

Gets a value that indicates the document compatibility mode of the browser.


public hasDebuggerStatement: boolean

public name: string

Gets the name of the browser.


The name of the browser

public version: number