Interface TileLayerOptions





optional public attribution?: string

e.g. "© CloudMade" — the string used by the attribution control, describes the layer data.

Default value: ''.

optional public continuousWorld?: boolean

If set to true, the tile coordinates won't be wrapped by world width (-180 to 180 longitude) or clamped to lie within world height (-90 to 90). Use this if you use Leaflet for maps that don't reflect the real world (e.g. game, indoor or photo maps).

Default value: false.

optional public detectRetina?: boolean

If true and user is on a retina display, it will request four tiles of half the specified size and a bigger zoom level in place of one to utilize the high resolution.

Default value: false.

optional public errorTileUrl?: string

URL to the tile image to show in place of the tile that failed to load.

Default value: ''.

optional public maxZoom?: number

Maximum zoom number.

Default value: 18.

optional public minZoom?: number

Minimum zoom number.

Default value: 0.

optional public noWrap?: boolean

If set to true, the tiles just won't load outside the world width (-180 to 180 longitude) instead of repeating.

Default value: false.

optional public opacity?: number

The opacity of the tile layer.

Default value: 1.0.

optional public retinaVersion?: string

optional public reuseTiles?: boolean

If true, all the tiles that are not visible after panning are placed in a reuse queue from which they will be fetched when new tiles become visible (as opposed to dynamically creating new ones). This will in theory keep memory usage low and eliminate the need for reserving new memory whenever a new tile is needed.

Default value: false.

optional public subdomains?: Array<string>

Subdomains of the tile service. Can be passed in the form of one string (where each letter is a subdomain name) or an array of strings.

Default value: 'abc'.

optional public tileSize?: number

Tile size (width and height in pixels, assuming tiles are square).

Default value: 256.

optional public tms?: boolean

If true, inverses Y axis numbering for tiles (turn this on for TMS services).

Default value: false.

optional public unloadInvisibleTiles?: boolean

If true, all the tiles that are not visible after panning are removed (for better performance). true by default on mobile WebKit, otherwise false.

optional public updateWhenIdle?: boolean

If false, new tiles are loaded during panning, otherwise only after it (for better performance). true by default on mobile WebKit, otherwise false.

optional public zIndex?: number

The explicit zIndex of the tile layer. Not set by default.

optional public zoomOffset?: number

The zoom number used in tile URLs will be offset with this value.

Default value: 0.

optional public zoomReverse?: boolean

If set to true, the zoom number used in tile URLs will be reversed (maxZoom

  • zoom instead of zoom)

Default value: false.