Interface JSTreeStaticDefaults




optional public checkbox?: JSTreeStaticDefaultsCheckbox

stores all defaults for the checkbox plugin

optional public contextmenu?: JSTreeStaticDefaultsContextMenu

stores all defaults for the contextmenu plugin

public core: JSTreeStaticDefaultsCore

stores all defaults for the core

optional public dnd?: JSTreeStaticDefaultsDragNDrop

stores all defaults for the drag'n'drop plugin

public plugins: Array<string>

configure which plugins will be active on an instance. Should be an array of strings, where each element is a plugin name. The default is []

optional public search?: JSTreeStaticDefaultsSearch

stores all defaults for the search plugin

optional public sort?: (x: any, y: any) => number

the settings function used to sort the nodes. It is executed in the tree's context, accepts two nodes as arguments and should return 1 or -1.





optional public state?: JSTreeStaticDefaultsState

stores all defaults for the state plugin

optional public types?: any

An object storing all types as key value pairs, where the key is the type name and the value is an object that could contain following keys (all optional). max_children the maximum number of immediate children this node type can have. Do not specify or set to -1 for unlimited. max_depth the maximum number of nesting this node type can have. A value of 1 would mean that the node can have children, but no grandchildren. Do not specify or set to -1 for unlimited. valid_children an array of node type strings, that nodes of this type can have as children. Do not specify or set to -1 for no limits. icon a string - can be a path to an icon or a className, if using an image that is in the current directory use a ./ prefix, otherwise it will be detected as a class. Omit to use the default icon from your theme. There are two predefined types:

represents the root of the tree, for example max_children would control the maximum number of root nodes.

default represents the default node - any settings here will be applied to all nodes that do not have a type specified.

optional public unique?: JSTreeStaticDefaultsUnique

stores all defaults for the unique plugin



