Interface JSTreeStaticDefaultsContextMenu




public items: any

an object of actions, or a function that accepts a node and a callback function and calls the callback function with an object of actions available for that node (you can also return the items too).

Each action consists of a key (a unique name) and a value which is an object with the following properties (only label and action are required):

  • separator_before - a boolean indicating if there should be a separator before this item
  • separator_after - a boolean indicating if there should be a separator after this item
  • _disabled - a boolean indicating if this action should be disabled
  • label - a string - the name of the action (could be a function returning a string)
  • action - a function to be executed if this item is chosen
  • icon - a string, can be a path to an icon or a className, if using an image that is in the current directory use a ./ prefix, otherwise it will be detected as a class
  • shortcut - keyCode which will trigger the action if the menu is open (for example 113 for rename, which equals F2)
  • shortcut_label - shortcut label (like for example F2 for rename)




public select_node: boolean

a boolean indicating if the node should be selected when the context menu is invoked on it. Defaults to true.





public show_at_node: boolean

a boolean indicating if the menu should be shown aligned with the node. Defaults to true, otherwise the mouse coordinates are used.



