Class CommandName

An enumeration of valid command string. NOTE: A Class was used instead of an Enum so that the class could be extended in Protractor.





public static ACCEPT_ALERT: string

public static ADD_COOKIE: string

public static CLEAR_APP_CACHE: string

public static CLEAR_ELEMENT: string

public static CLEAR_LOCAL_STORAGE: string

public static CLEAR_SESSION_STORAGE: string

public static CLICK: string

public static CLICK_ELEMENT: string

public static CLOSE: string

public static DELETE_ALL_COOKIES: string

public static DELETE_COOKIE: string

public static DESCRIBE_SESSION: string

public static DISMISS_ALERT: string

public static DOUBLE_CLICK: string

public static ELEMENT_EQUALS: string

public static EXECUTE_ASYNC_SCRIPT: string

public static EXECUTE_SCRIPT: string

public static EXECUTE_SQL: string

public static FIND_CHILD_ELEMENT: string

public static FIND_CHILD_ELEMENTS: string

public static FIND_ELEMENT: string

public static FIND_ELEMENTS: string

public static GET: string

public static GET_ACTIVE_ELEMENT: string

public static GET_ALERT_TEXT: string

public static GET_ALL_COOKIES: string

public static GET_APP_CACHE: string

public static GET_APP_CACHE_STATUS: string

public static GET_AVAILABLE_LOG_TYPES: string

public static GET_COOKIE: string

public static GET_CURRENT_URL: string

public static GET_CURRENT_WINDOW_HANDLE: string

public static GET_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE: string

public static GET_ELEMENT_LOCATION: string

public static GET_ELEMENT_LOCATION_IN_VIEW: string

public static GET_ELEMENT_SIZE: string

public static GET_ELEMENT_TAG_NAME: string

public static GET_ELEMENT_TEXT: string


public static GET_LOCAL_STORAGE_ITEM: string

public static GET_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEYS: string

public static GET_LOCAL_STORAGE_SIZE: string

public static GET_LOCATION: string

public static GET_LOG: string

public static GET_PAGE_SOURCE: string

public static GET_SCREEN_ORIENTATION: string

public static GET_SERVER_STATUS: string

public static GET_SESSIONS: string

public static GET_SESSION_LOGS: string

public static GET_SESSION_STORAGE_ITEM: string

public static GET_SESSION_STORAGE_KEYS: string

public static GET_SESSION_STORAGE_SIZE: string

public static GET_TITLE: string

public static GET_WINDOW_HANDLES: string

public static GET_WINDOW_POSITION: string

public static GET_WINDOW_SIZE: string

public static GO_BACK: string

public static GO_FORWARD: string

public static IMPLICITLY_WAIT: string

public static IS_BROWSER_ONLINE: string

public static IS_ELEMENT_DISPLAYED: string

public static IS_ELEMENT_ENABLED: string

public static IS_ELEMENT_SELECTED: string

public static MAXIMIZE_WINDOW: string

public static MOUSE_DOWN: string

public static MOUSE_UP: string

public static MOVE_TO: string

public static NEW_SESSION: string

public static QUIT: string

public static REFRESH: string

public static REMOVE_LOCAL_STORAGE_ITEM: string

public static REMOVE_SESSION_STORAGE_ITEM: string

public static SCREENSHOT: string

public static SEND_KEYS_TO_ACTIVE_ELEMENT: string

public static SEND_KEYS_TO_ELEMENT: string

public static SET_ALERT_TEXT: string

public static SET_BROWSER_ONLINE: string

public static SET_LOCAL_STORAGE_ITEM: string

public static SET_LOCATION: string

public static SET_SCREEN_ORIENTATION: string

public static SET_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT: string

public static SET_SESSION_STORAGE_ITEM: string

public static SET_TIMEOUT: string

public static SET_WINDOW_POSITION: string

public static SET_WINDOW_SIZE: string

public static SUBMIT_ELEMENT: string

public static SWITCH_TO_FRAME: string

public static SWITCH_TO_WINDOW: string

public static TOUCH_DOUBLE_TAP: string

public static TOUCH_DOWN: string

public static TOUCH_FLICK: string

public static TOUCH_LONG_PRESS: string

public static TOUCH_MOVE: string

public static TOUCH_SCROLL: string

public static TOUCH_SINGLE_TAP: string

public static TOUCH_UP: string