Class Capability

Common webdriver capability keys.







public static ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS: string

Indicates whether a driver should accept all SSL certs by default. This capability only applies when requesting a new session. To query whether a driver can handle insecure SSL certs, see {@link webdriver.Capability.SECURE_SSL}.

public static BROWSER_NAME: string

The browser name. Common browser names are defined in the {@link webdriver.Browser} enum.

public static HANDLES_ALERTS: string

Whether the driver is capable of handling modal alerts (e.g. alert, confirm, prompt). To define how a driver should handle alerts, use {@link webdriver.Capability.UNEXPECTED_ALERT_BEHAVIOR}.

public static LOGGING_PREFS: string

Key for the logging driver logging preferences.

public static PLATFORM: string

Describes the platform the browser is running on. Will be one of ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MAC, UNIX, or WINDOWS. When requesting a session, ANY may be used to indicate no platform preference (this is semantically equivalent to omitting the platform capability).

public static PROXY: string

Describes the proxy configuration to use for a new WebDriver session.

public static ROTATABLE: string

Whether the driver supports changing the brower's orientation.

public static SECURE_SSL: string

Whether a driver is only capable of handling secure SSL certs. To request that a driver accept insecure SSL certs by default, use {@link webdriver.Capability.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS}.

public static SUPPORTS_APPLICATION_CACHE: string

Whether the driver supports manipulating the app cache.


Whether the driver supports controlling the browser's internet connectivity.

public static SUPPORTS_CSS_SELECTORS: string

Whether the driver supports locating elements with CSS selectors.

public static SUPPORTS_JAVASCRIPT: string

Whether the browser supports JavaScript.

public static SUPPORTS_LOCATION_CONTEXT: string

Whether the driver supports controlling the browser's location info.

public static TAKES_SCREENSHOT: string

Whether the driver supports taking screenshots.

public static UNEXPECTED_ALERT_BEHAVIOR: string

Defines how the driver should handle unexpected alerts. The value should be one of "accept", "dismiss", or "ignore.

public static VERSION: string

Defines the browser version.