Interface ZeroClipboardOptions




optional public activeClass?: string

DEPRECATED. The class used to indicate that a clipped element is active (is being clicked).

optional public allowScriptAccess?: string

DEPRECATED. SWF outbound scripting policy. Possible values: "never", "sameDomain", "always".

optional public autoActivate?: boolean

Setting this to false would allow users to handle calling ZeroClipboard.activate(...); themselves instead of relying on our per-element mouseover handler

optional public cacheBust?: boolean

Include a "nocache" query parameter on requests for the SWF.

optional public debug?: boolean

Debug enabled: send console messages with deprecation warnings, etc.

optional public forceHandCursor?: boolean

Forcibly set the hand cursor ("pointer") for all clipped elements.

optional public hoverClass?: string

DEPRECATED. The class used to indicate that a clipped element is being hovered over.

optional public moviePath?: string

URL to the movie. NOTE: For versions >= v1.3.x and < v2.x, you must use swfPath by setting moviePath!

optional public swfPath?: string

URL to the movie, relative to the page. NOTE: For versions >= v1.3.x and < v2.x, you must use swfPath by setting moviePath!

optional public title?: string

Sets the title of the div encapsulating the Flash object.

optional public trustedDomains?: any

Forcibly set the hand cursor ("pointer") for all clipped elements.

optional public trustedOrigins?: any

DEPRECATED, use trustedDomains instead! SWF inbound scripting policy: page origins that the SWF should trust. (single string or array of strings.

optional public useNoCache?: boolean

DEPRECATED, use cacheBust instead! Include a "nocache" query parameter on requests for the SWF.

optional public zIndex?: number

The z-index used by the Flash object.