Class ApplicationView

Defines an instance of a window (app view) and the information that describes it.





public adjacentToLeftDisplayEdge: number

Gets whether the current window (app view) is adjacent to the left edge of the screen.

public adjacentToRightDisplayEdge: boolean

Gets whether the current window (app view) is adjacent to the right edge of the screen.

public id: number

Gets the current ID of the window (app view) .

public isFullScreen: boolean

Gets whether the window(app view) is full screen or not.

public isOnLockScreen: boolean

Gets whether the window (app view) is on the Windows lock screen.

public isScreenCaptureEnabled: boolean

Gets or sets whether screen capture is enabled for the window (app view).

public orientation: ApplicationViewOrientation

Gets the current orientation of the window (app view) with respect to the display.

public static terminateAppOnFinalViewClose: boolean

Indicates whether the app terminates when the last window is closed.

public title: string

Gets or sets the displayed title of the window.

public static value: ApplicationViewState

Gets the state of the current app view.


public static getForCurrentView(): ApplicationView

Gets the window (app view) for the current app.



public static tryUnsnap(): boolean

Attempts to unsnap a previously snapped app. This call will only succeed when the app is running in the foreground.

