Validates entries that can be checked, i.e. check boxes and radio buttons.
Functions in the same way as the ko.bindingHandlers.checked binding handler, with the following
registers a blur event handler so validation messages for selections can be displayed
registers a click event handler so validation state can be marked as touched
Validates options selected in a select list.
Functions in the same way as the ko.bindingHandlers.selectedOptions binding handler, with the
following alterations:
registers a blur event handler so validation messages for selections can be displayed
registers a click event handler so validation state can be marked as touched
Validates entries that can be keyed or selected.
Functions in the same way as the ko.bindingHandlers.value binding handler, with the following
registers a blur event handler:
to display validation messages as entries or selections lose focus
to reformat successfully parsed textual entries
registers a focus event handler to pause the update of any existing visible validation message
registers a key-up event handler which validates the entry as it's being entered; this allows other
entries that are shown conditionally to be available before the user tabs out of this entry
Sets CSS classes on the element based on the validation state of the chosen property or model.
The names of the CSS classes used are held in the ko.bindingHandlers.validationCss.classNames object,
by default they are:
failed - if validation failed
focused - if the element is in focus
passed - if validation passed
pending - if validation is pending
required - if an entry is required
showMessage - if a validation message should be shown
touched - set if the model or entry has been "touched"
untouched - set if the model or entry has not been "touched"