Enumeration SocialStatusCode

Specifies a status or error code.


Enumeration members

Enumeration members

public OK: SocialStatusCode

public accessDenied: SocialStatusCode

This value specifies that access was denied to the current user.

public attachmentError: SocialStatusCode

This value specifies that the operation failed because there was an error handling an attachment.

public cacheReadError: SocialStatusCode

This value specifies that there was an error reading the cache.

public cacheUpdateError: SocialStatusCode

This value specifies that there was an error updating the cache.

public cannotCreatePersonalSite: SocialStatusCode

public failedToCreatePersonalSite: SocialStatusCode

public featureDisabled: SocialStatusCode

This value specifies that the operation failed because a required server feature was disabled by administrative action.

public internalError: SocialStatusCode

public invalidOperation: SocialStatusCode

This value specifies that an invalid operation was attempted.

public invalidRequest: SocialStatusCode

This value specifies that an invalid request was encountered.

public itemNotFound: SocialStatusCode

public itemNotModified: SocialStatusCode

This value specifies that the item was not changed by the operation.

public limitReached: SocialStatusCode

This value specifies that a server limit was reached.

public notAuthorizedToCreatePersonalSite: SocialStatusCode

public partialData: SocialStatusCode

This value specifies that the operation completed with recoverable errors and that the returned data is incomplete.

public personalSiteNotFound: SocialStatusCode