Retrieves workflow subscriptions that contains all of the workflow subscriptions on the Web
Retrieves workflow subscriptions based on workflow definition
Retrieves workflow subscriptions based on the specified EventSourceId
Retrieves workflow subscriptions based on the specified list.
The unique identifier (GUID) of the list on which to filter the subscriptions.
Creates a workflow subscription for a workflow, and returns the unique identifier of the new subscription.
Creates a workflow subscription for a workflow and if necessary an event receiver on the specified list. Also writes an EventSourceId that matches the list as the event source. Returns the unique identifier of the new subscription.
Unique identifier (GUID) for the specified list.
Ensures that an event receiver will monitor a list for the specified event.
Unique identifier (GUID) for the specified list.
Removes monitoring for an event receiver on the specified list with the specified event.
GUID of the list containing the event receiver to be unregistered.