An interface for changing the focus of the driver to another frame or window.
The parent driver.
Schedules a command retrieve the {@code document.activeElement} element on the current document, or {@code document.body} if activeElement is not available.
The active element.
Schedules a command to change focus to the active alert dialog. This command will return a {@link bot.ErrorCode.NO_MODAL_DIALOG_OPEN} error if a modal dialog is not currently open.
The open alert.
Schedules a command to switch focus of all future commands to the first frame on the page.
A promise that will be resolved when the driver has changed focus to the default content.
Schedules a command to switch the focus of all future commands to another frame on the page.
If the frame is specified by a number, the command will switch to the frame by its (zero-based) index into the {@code window.frames} collection. If the frame is specified by a string, the command will select the frame by its name or ID. To select sub-frames, simply separate the frame names/IDs by dots. As an example, "main.child" will select the frame with the name "main" and then its child "child". If the specified frame can not be found, the deferred result will errback with a {@code bot.ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_FRAME} error.The frame locator.
A promise that will be resolved when the driver has changed focus to the specified frame.
Schedules a command to switch the focus of all future commands to another window. Windows may be specified by their {@code} attribute or by its handle (as returned by {@code webdriver.WebDriver#getWindowHandles}).
If the specificed window can not be found, the deferred result will errback with a {@code bot.ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_WINDOW} error.The name or window handle of the window to switch focus to.
A promise that will be resolved when the driver has changed focus to the specified window.