Add an asynchronous test to run. The test must include a call to start().
For testing asynchronous code, asyncTest will automatically stop the test runner and wait for your code to call start() to continue.
Title of unit being tested
Number of assertions in this test
Function to close over assertions
Add an asynchronous test to run. The test must include a call to start().
For testing asynchronous code, asyncTest will automatically stop the test runner and wait for your code to call start() to continue.
Title of unit being tested
Function to close over assertions
Register a callback to fire whenever the test suite begins.
QUnit.begin() is called once before running any tests. (a better would've been QUnit.start, but thats already in use elsewhere and can't be changed.)
Callback to execute
A deep recursive comparison assertion, working on primitive types, arrays, objects, regular expressions, dates and functions.
The deepEqual() assertion can be used just like equal() when comparing the value of objects, such that { key: value } is equal to { key: value }. For non-scalar values, identity will be disregarded by deepEqual.
Object or Expression being tested
Known comparison value
A short description of the assertion
Register a callback to fire whenever the test suite ends.
Callback to execute.
A non-strict comparison assertion, roughly equivalent to JUnit assertEquals.
The equal assertion uses the simple comparison operator (==) to compare the actual and expected arguments. When they are equal, the assertion passes: any; otherwise, it fails. When it fails, both actual and expected values are displayed in the test result, in addition to a given message.
Expression being tested
Known comparison value
A short description of the assertion
Specify how many assertions are expected to run within a test.
To ensure that an explicit number of assertions are run within any test, use expect( number ) to register an expected count. If the number of assertions run does not match the expected count, the test will fail.
Number of assertions in this test.
Register a callback to fire whenever an assertion completes.
This is one of several callbacks QUnit provides. Its intended for integration scenarios like PhantomJS or Jenkins. The properties of the details argument are listed below as options.
Callback to execute.
Register a callback to fire whenever a module ends.
Callback to execute.
Register a callback to fire whenever a module begins.
Callback to execute.
An inverted deep recursive comparison assertion, working on primitive types, arrays, objects, regular expressions, dates and functions.
The notDeepEqual() assertion can be used just like equal() when comparing the value of objects, such that { key: value } is equal to { key: value }. For non-scalar values, identity will be disregarded by notDeepEqual.
Object or Expression being tested
Known comparison value
A short description of the assertion
A non-strict comparison assertion, checking for inequality.
The notEqual assertion uses the simple inverted comparison operator (!=) to compare the actual and expected arguments. When they aren't equal, the assertion passes; otherwise, it fails. When it fails, both actual and expected values are displayed in the test result, in addition to a given message.
Expression being tested
Known comparison value
A short description of the assertion
A non-strict comparison assertion, checking for inequality.
The notStrictEqual assertion uses the strict inverted comparison operator (!==) to compare the actual and expected arguments. When they aren't equal, the assertion passes; otherwise, it fails. When it fails, both actual and expected values are displayed in the test result, in addition to a given message.
Expression being tested
Known comparison value
A short description of the assertion
A boolean assertion, equivalent to CommonJS’s assert.ok() and JUnit’s assertTrue(). Passes if the first argument is truthy.
The most basic assertion in QUnit, ok() requires just one argument. If the argument evaluates to true, the assertion passes; otherwise, it fails. If a second message argument is provided, it will be displayed in place of the result.
Expression being tested
A short description of the assertion
Start running tests again after the testrunner was stopped. See stop().
When your async test has multiple exit points, call start() for the corresponding number of stop() increments.
Optional argument to merge multiple start() calls into one. Use with multiple corrsponding stop() calls.
Stop the testrunner to wait for async tests to run. Call start() to continue.
When your async test has multiple exit points, call stop() with the increment argument, corresponding to the number of start() calls you need.
On Blackberry 5.0, window.stop is a native read-only function. If you deal with that browser, use QUnit.stop() instead, which will work anywhere.
A strict type and value comparison assertion.
The strictEqual() assertion provides the most rigid comparison of type and value with the strict equality operator (===)
Expression being tested
Known comparison value
A short description of the assertion
Add a test to run.
When testing the most common, synchronous code, use test(). The assert argument to the callback contains all of QUnit's assertion methods. If you are avoiding using any of QUnit's globals, you can use the assert argument instead.
Title of unit being tested
Number of assertions in this test
Function to close over assertions
Title of unit being tested
Function to close over assertions
Register a callback to fire whenever a test ends.
Callback to execute.
Register a callback to fire whenever a test begins.
Callback to execute.
Assertion to test if a callback throws an exception when run.
When testing code that is expected to throw an exception based on a specific set of circumstances, use throws() to catch the error object for testing and comparison.
Function to execute
Error Object to compare
A short description of the assertion
Function to execute
A short description of the assertion