Interface IColumnDef




optional public aggLabelFilter?: string

String name for filter to use on the aggregate label ('currency', 'date', etc..) defaults to cellFilter if not set.

optional public cellClass?: string

User defined CSS class name

optional public cellEditableCondition?: string

Controls when to use the edit template on per-row basis using an angular expression (enableCellEdit must also be true for editing)

optional public cellFilter?: string

string name for filter to use on the cell ('currency', 'date', etc..)

optional public cellTemplate?: string

Html template used to render the cell

optional public displayName?: string

What to display in the column header

optional public editableCellTemplate?: string

The template to use while editing

optional public enableCellEdit?: boolean

Allows the cell to use an edit template when focused (grid option enableCellSelection must be enabled)

optional public field?: string

Can also be a property path on your data model. "", "Name.First", etc..

optional public groupable?: boolean

Allows the column to be grouped with drag and drop, but has no effect on gridOptions.groups

optional public headerCellTemplate?: string

Html template used to render the header cell

optional public headerClass?: string

User defined CSS class name for the header cell

optional public minWidth?: any

The minum width the column is allowed to be. See width for the different options

optional public pinnable?: boolean

Allows the column to be pinned when enablePinning is set to true

optional public pinned?: boolean

optional public resizable?: boolean

Restrict or allow the column to be resized

optional public sortFn?: (a: any, b: any) => number

The funtion to use when filtering values in this column

optional public sortable?: boolean

Restrict or allow the column to be sorted

optional public visible?: boolean

Set the default visiblity of the column

optional public width?: any

This can be an absolute numberor it can also be defined in percentages (20%, 30%), in weighted *s, or "auto" (which sizes the column based on data length) (much like WPF/Silverlight)/ note: "auto" only works in single page apps currently because the re-size happens on "document.ready