Auto-expanding content's width on horizontal scrollbars, values: true, false. Set to true if you have horizontal scrollbr on content that change on-the-fly. Demo contains blocks with images and horizontal scrollbars that use this option parameter
Auto-scrolling on elements that have focus (e.g. scrollbar automatically scrolls to form text fields when the TAB key is pressed), values: true, false
Normalize mouse wheel delta (-1/1), values: true, false
Update scrollbars on browser resize (for fluid content blocks and layouts based on percentages), values: true, false. Set to false only when you content has fixed dimensions
Auto-update scrollbars on content resize (useful when adding/changing content progrmatically), value: true, false. Setting this to true makes the script check for content length changes (every few milliseconds) and automatically call plugin's update method to adjust the scrollbar accordingly
Auto-adjust scrollbar height/width according to content, values: true, false
Automatically hide the scrollbar when idle or mouse is not over the content
All of the following callbacks option have examples in the callback demo -
User defined callback function, triggered on scroll event. Call your own function(s) each time a scroll event completes
User defined callback function, triggered on scroll start event. You can call your own function(s) each time a scroll event begins
User defined callback function, triggered when scroll end-limit is reached
Scroll end-limit offset, value in pixels
User defined callback function, triggered while scrolling
Additional scrolling method by touch-swipe content (for touch enabled devices), value: true, false
Add horizontal scrollbar (default is vertical), value: true, false
Mouse wheel support, value: true, false
Mouse wheel scrolling pixels amount, value in pixels (integer) or "auto" (script calculates and sets pixels amount according to content length)
Scroll buttons pixels scrolling amount, value in pixels
Scroll buttons continuous scrolling speed, integer value or "auto" (script calculates and sets the speed according to content length)
Scroll buttons scroll type, values: "continuous" (scroll continuously while pressing the button), "pixels" (scrolls by a fixed number of pixels on each click")
Scrolling inertia (easing), value in milliseconds (0 for no scrolling inertia)
Set the height of your content (overwirtes CSS height), value in pixels (integer) or percentage (string)
Set the width of your content (overwrites CSS width), value in pixels (integer) or percentage (string)
Set a scrollbar ready-to-use theme. See themes demo for all themes -