LZ-based compression algorithm for JavaScript.
Compresses input string producing an instance of an "invalid" UTF-16 string. Such string could be stored in localStorage only on webkit browsers (tested on Android, Chrome, Safari).
A string which should be compressed.
Compresses input string producing an instance of a ASCII UTF-16 string, which represents the original string encoded in Base64. The result can be safely transported outside the browser with a guarantee that none of the characters produced need to be URL-encoded.
A string which should be compressed.
Compresses input string producing an instance of a "valid" UTF-16 string, in the sense that all browsers can store them safely.
A string which should be compressed.
Decompresses "invalid" input string created by the method compress().
A string obtained from a call to compress().
Decompresses ASCII UTF-16 input string created by the method compressToBase64().
A string obtained from a call to compressToBase64().
Decompresses "valid" input string created by the method compressToUTF16().
A string obtained from a call to compressToUTF16().