Interface FlashElement

The Shape object is a subclass of the Element object. The Shape object provides more precise control than the drawing APIs when manipulating or creating geometry on the Stage. This control is necessary so that scripts can create useful effects and other drawing commands (seeElement object). All Shape methods and properties that change a shape or any of its subordinate parts must be placed between shape.beginEdit() and shape.endEdit() calls to function correctly.






public accName: string

public actionScript: string

public backgroundColor: string

public bitmapRenderMode: string

public blendMode: string

public buttonTracking: string

public cacheAsBitmap: boolean

public closePath: boolean

Read-only property; a Boolean value that specifies whether the Close Path check box in the Property inspector is selected. If the start angle and end angle values for the object are the same, setting this property has no effect until the values change. To set this value, use document.setOvalObjectProperty().

public colorAlphaAmount: number

public colorAlphaPercent: number

public colorBlueAmount: number

public colorBluePercent: number

public colorGreenAmount: number

public colorGreenPercent: number

public colorMode: string

public colorRedAmount: number

public colorRedPercent: number

public contours: FlashContour[]

public depth: number

public description: string

public edges: FlashEdge[]

public elementType: string

Read-only property; a string that represents the type of the specified element. The value is one of the following: "shape", "text", "instance", or "shapeObj". A "shapeObj" is created with an extensible tool.

public endAngle: number

Read-only property; a float value that specifies the end angle of the Oval object. Acceptable values are from 0 to 360.

public filters: FlashFilter[]

public firstFrame: number

public forceSimple: boolean

public hPixels: number

public height: number

public innerRadius: number

Read-only property; a float value that specifies the inner radius of the Oval object as a percentage. Acceptable values are from 0 to 99.

optional public instanceType?: string

public isDrawingObject: boolean

public isGroup: boolean

public isOvalObject: boolean

public isRectangleObject: boolean

public layer: FlashLayer

public left: number

optional public libraryItem?: FlashItem

public locked: boolean

public loop: string

public matrix: FlashMatrix

public members: FlashShape[]

public name: string

public numCubicSegments: number

public parameters: Array<any>

public rotation: number

public scaleX: number

public scaleY: number

public selected: boolean

public shortcut: string

public silent: boolean

public skewX: number

public skewY: number

public startAngle: number

Read-only property; a float value that specifies the start angle of the Oval object. Acceptable values are from 0 to 360. To set this value, use document.setOvalObjectProperty().

public symbolType: string

public tabIndex: number

public top: number

public transformX: number

public transformY: number

public useBackgroundColor: boolean

public vPixels: number

public vertices: FlashVertex[]

public visible: boolean

public width: number

public x: number

public y: number


public beginEdit()

public deleteEdge(index: number)


  • index: number

public endEdit()

public getBits(): _FlashBitmap



public getCubicSegmentPoints(cubicSegmentIndex: number): FlashPoint[]


  • cubicSegmentIndex: number



public getPersistentData(name: string): any


  • name: string



public getTransformationPoint(): FlashPoint



public hasPersistentData(name: string): boolean


  • name: string



public removePersistentData(name: string)


  • name: string

public setBits(bitmap: _FlashBitmap)


public setPersistentData(name: string, type: string, value: any)


  • name: string
  • type: string
  • value: any

public setTransformationPoint(transformationPoint: FlashPoint)
