Interface JQueryTooltipsterOptions




optional public animation?: string

Determines how the tooltip will animate in and out. Feel free to modify or create custom transitions in the tooltipster.css file. In IE9 and 8, all animations default to a JavaScript generated, fade animation. Default: 'fade' fade, grow, swing, slide, fall

optional public arrow?: boolean

Adds the "speech bubble arrow" to the tooltip. Default: true

optional public arrowColor?: any

Select a specific color for the "speech bubble arrow". Default: will inherit the tooltip's background color hex code / rgb

optional public autoClose?: boolean

If autoClose is set to false, the tooltip will never close unless you call the 'close' method yourself. Default: true

optional public content?: any

If set, this will override the content of the tooltip. Default: null


string, jQuery object

optional public contentAsHTML?: boolean

If the content of the tooltip is provided as a string, it is displayed as plain text by default. If this content should actually be interpreted as HTML, set this option to true. Default: false

optional public contentCloning?: boolean

If you provide a jQuery object to the 'content' option, this sets if it is a clone of this object that should actually be used. Default: true

optional public delay?: number

Delay how long it takes (in milliseconds) for the tooltip to start animating in. Default: 200

optional public fixedWidth?: number

Set a fixed width for the tooltip. The tooltip will always be a consistent width - no matter your content size. Default: 0 (auto width)

optional public functionAfter?: (origin: any) => void

Create a custom function to be fired once the tooltip has been closed and removed from the DOM. Default: function(origin) {}

optional public functionBefore?: (origin: any, continueTooltip: any) => void

Create a custom function to be fired before the tooltip opens. This function may prevent or hold off the opening. See the advanced section to learn more. Default: function(origin, continueTooltip) { continueTooltip(); }

optional public functionInit?: (origin: any, content: any) => any

Create a custom function to be fired only once at instantiation. If the function returns a value, this value will become the content of the tooltip. See the advanced section to learn more. Default: function(origin, content) {}

optional public functionReady?: (origin: any, tooltip: any) => void

Create a custom function to be fired when the tooltip and its contents have been added to the DOM. Default: function(origin, tooltip) {}

optional public icon?: any

If using the iconDesktop or iconTouch options, this sets the content for your icon. Default: '(?)'


string, jQuery object

optional public iconCloning?: boolean

If you provide a jQuery object to the 'icon' option, this sets if it is a clone of this object that should actually be used. Default: true

optional public iconDesktop?: boolean

Generate an icon next to your content that is responsible for activating the tooltip on non-touch devices. Default: false

optional public iconTheme?: string

If using the iconDesktop or iconTouch options, this sets the class on the icon (used to style the icon). Default: 'tooltipster-icon'

optional public iconTouch?: boolean

Generate an icon next to your content that is responsible for activating the tooltip on touch devices (tablets, phones, etc). Default: false

optional public interactive?: boolean

Give users the possibility to interact with the tooltip. Unless autoClose is set to false, the tooltip will still close if the user moves away from or clicks out of the tooltip. Default: false

optional public interactiveTolerance?: number

If the tooltip is interactive and activated by a hover event, set the amount of time (milliseconds) allowed for a user to hover off of the tooltip activator (origin) on to the tooltip itself - keeping the tooltip from closing. Default: 350

optional public maxWidth?: number

Set a max width for the tooltip. If the tooltip ends up being smaller than the set max width, the tooltip's width will be set automatically. Default: 0 (no max width)

optional public offsetX?: number

Offsets the tooltip (in pixels) farther left/right from the origin. Default: 0

optional public offsetY?: number

Offsets the tooltip (in pixels) farther up/down from the origin. Default: 0

optional public onlyOne?: boolean

If true, only one tooltip will be allowed to be active at a time. Non-autoclosing tooltips will not be closed though. Default: false

optional public position?: string

Set the position of the tooltip. Default: 'top' right, left, top, top-right, top-left, bottom, bottom-right, bottom-left

optional public positionTracker?: boolean

Will reposition the tooltip if the origin moves. As this option may have an impact on performance, we suggest you enable it only if you need to. Default: false

optional public speed?: number

Set the speed of the animation. Default: 350

optional public theme?: string

Set the theme used for your tooltip. Default: 'tooltipster-default'

optional public timer?: number

How long the tooltip should be allowed to live before closing. Default: 0 (disabled)

optional public touchDevices?: boolean

If set to false, tooltips will not show on pure-touch devices, unless you open them yourself with the 'show' method. Touch gestures on devices which also have a mouse will still open the tooltips though. Default: true

optional public trigger?: string

Set how tooltips should be activated and closed. See the advanced section to learn how to build custom triggers. Default: 'hover' hover, click, custom

optional public updateAnimation?: boolean

If a tooltip is open while its content is updated, play a subtle animation when the content changes. Default: true