Interface JQueryMenuAimOptions





optional public rowSelector?: string

Selector for identifying which elements in the menu are rows that can trigger the above events. Defaults to "> li". rowSelector: "> li",

optional public submenuDirection?: string

Direction the submenu opens relative to the main menu. This controls which direction is "forgiving" as the user moves their cursor from the main menu into the submenu. Can be one of "right", "left", "above", or "below". Defaults to "right". submenuDirection: "right"

optional public submenuSelector?: string

You may have some menu rows that aren't submenus and therefore shouldn't ever need to "activate." If so, filter submenu rows w/ this selector. Defaults to "" (all elements). submenuSelector: "",


optional public activate()

Function to call when a row is purposefully activated. Use this to show a submenu's content for the activated row.

optional public deactivate()

Function to call when a row is deactivated.

optional public enter()

Function to call when mouse enters a menu row. Entering a row does not mean the row has been activated, as the user may be mousing over to a submenu.

optional public exit()

Function to call when mouse exits a menu row.

optional public exitMenu()

Function to call when mouse exits the entire menu. If this returns true, the current row's deactivation event and callback function will be fired. Otherwise, if this isn't supplied or it returns false, the currently activated row will stay activated when the mouse leaves the menu entirely.