Class PackageTask


Constructor methods


Constructor methods

constructor(name: string, version: string, definition: () => void): PackageTask

Instantiating a PackageTask creates a number of Jake Tasks that make packaging and distributing your software easy.


  • name: string

    The name of the project

  • version: string

    The current project version (will be appended to the project-name in the package-archive

  • definition: () => void

    Defines the contents of the package, and format of the package-archive. Will be executed on the instantiated PackageTask (i.e., 'this', will be the PackageTask instance), to set the various instance-propertiess.




public archiveChangeDir: string

Equivalent to the '-C' command for the `tar` and `jar` commands. ("Change to this directory before adding files.")

public archiveContentDir: string

Specifies the files and directories to include in the package-archive. If unset, this will default to the main package directory -- i.e., name + version.

public jarCommand: string

The shell-command to use for creating jar archives.

public manifestFile: string

Can be set to point the jar utility at a manifest file to use in a .jar archive. If unset, one will be automatically created by the jar utility. This path should be relative to the root of the package directory (this.packageDir above, likely 'pkg')

public name: string

The name of the project

public needJar: boolean

If set to true, uses the jar utility to create a .jar archive of the pagckage

public needTar: boolean

If set to true, uses the tar utility to create a gzip .tgz archive of the pagckage

public needTarBz2: boolean

If set to true, uses the tar utility to create a bzip2 .bz2 archive of the pagckage

public needZip: boolean

If set to true, uses the zip utility to create a .zip archive of the pagckage

public packageFiles: FileList

The list of files and directories to include in the package-archive

public tarCommand: string

The shell-command to use for creating tar archives.

public version: string

The project version-string

public zipCommand: string

The shell-command to use for creating zip archives.