Meta data about the running user script.
Window object of the content page where the user script is running on.
Adds CSS to the content page.
a CSS string. It can have multiple style definitions.
Deletes an existing name / value pair from the script storage.
a name of the pair to delete.
Gets a content of a resouce defined by {@link|@resource}.
a name of the resource to get.
the content of the resource.
Gets a URL of a resource defined by {@link|@resource}.
a name of the resource.
a URL that returns the content of the resource.
Retrieves a value from the script storage.
a name to retrieve.
a value to be returned when the name does not exist.
a retrieved value, or passed default value, or undefined.
Retrieves an array of names stored in the script storage.
an array of names in the storage.
Writes a message as a log to the console with the script identifier.
a message to be written.
Opens a URL in a new tab.
a URL to open.
window object of the opened tab.
Registers an item as a submenu of User Script Commands.
a caption of the menu item.
a function to be invoked when the item has been selected.
a single character that can be used to select the item by keyboard. It should be a letter in the caption.
Sets a text to the clipboard of the opeating system.
a text to be set to the clipboard.
Stores a name / value pair to the script storage.
a name of the pair.
a value to be stored.
Sends a HTTP request to a URL.
options and callbacks for HTTP request.
an object which can abort the request. If the request is sent in the synchronous mode, it also contains the response information.