Interface GoogleApiUrlShortenerUrlResource




public analytics: { allTime: GoogleApiUrlShortenerUrlResourceAnalyticsObject; month: GoogleApiUrlShortenerUrlResourceAnalyticsObject; week: GoogleApiUrlShortenerUrlResourceAnalyticsObject; day: GoogleApiUrlShortenerUrlResourceAnalyticsObject; twoHours: GoogleApiUrlShortenerUrlResourceAnalyticsObject; }

A summary of the click analytics for the short and long URL. Might not be present if not requested or currently unavailable.

public analytics.allTime: GoogleApiUrlShortenerUrlResourceAnalyticsObject

Click analytics over all time.

public GoogleApiUrlShortenerUrlResourceAnalyticsObject

Click analytics over the last day.

public analytics.month: GoogleApiUrlShortenerUrlResourceAnalyticsObject

Click analytics over the last month.

public analytics.twoHours: GoogleApiUrlShortenerUrlResourceAnalyticsObject

Click analytics over the last two hours.

public analytics.week: GoogleApiUrlShortenerUrlResourceAnalyticsObject

Click analytics over the last week.

public created: string

Time the short URL was created; ISO 8601 representation using the yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ format.

public id: string

Short URL

public kind: string

The fixed string "urlshortener#url".

public longUrl: string

Long URL

public status: string

Status of the target URL. Possible values: "OK", "MALWARE", "PHISHING", or "REMOVED".