Class Socket





public onclose: () => void

Set this property to a function that called when the socket is closed. When the socket is closed, it cannot be reopened. Use the open() method on a goog.appengine.Channel object to create a new socket.

public onerror: Function

Set this property to a function called when an error occurs on the socket. The function is passed one parameter: an error object. The description field is a description of the error and the code field is an HTTP error code indicating the error.

public onmessage: (message: any) => void

Set this to a function called when the socket receives a message. The function is passed one parameter: a message object. The data field of this object is the string passed to the send_message method on the server.


public onopen: () => void

Set this to a function called when the socket is ready to receive messages.


public close()

Close the socket. The socket cannot be used again after calling close; the server must create a new socket.