The amount of space to use for indentation when writing out JSON.
The name of the attribute that the serializer should use to identify an object's type.
Maps type ids to object constructor functions. Keys are type ids and values are functions.
Clone the object.
The object to clone.
The new clone.
Deserialize the JSON.
The JSON string.
Settings can specify a reviver, getTypeId function or getConstructor function.
The deserialized object.
Gets the type id for an object instance, using the configured typeAttribute
The object to serialize.
The type.
Adds a type id/constructor function mampping to the typeMap
The type id.
The constructor.
The default replacer function used during serialization. By default properties starting with '_' or '$' are removed from the serialized object.
The object key to check.
The object value to check.
The value to serialize.
The default reviver function used during deserialization. By default is detects type properties on objects and uses them to re-construct the correct object using the provided constructor mapping.
The attribute key.
The object value associated with the key.
A custom function used to get the type id from a value.
A custom function used to get the constructor function associated with a type id.
The value.
Serializes the object.
The object to serialize.
The JSON string.
Serializes the object.
The object to serialize.
The JSON string.
Serializes the object.
The object to serialize.
The JSON string.