Interface SchedulerConfigOptions




public active_link_view: string

'says' to present the numbers of days in the Month view as clickable links that open the related day in the specified view

public agenda_end: Date

sets the date to display events until

public agenda_start: Date

sets the date to start displaying events from

public all_timed: any

'says' to show multi-day events in the regular way (as one-day events are displayed)

public api_date: string

sets the date format that will be used by the addEvent() method to parse the start_date, end_date properties in case they are specified as strings

public auto_end_date: boolean

enables automatic changing of the end event date after changing the start date

public buttons_left: any

stores a collection of buttons resided in the left bottom corner of the lightbox

public buttons_right: any

stores a collection of buttons resided in the right bottom corner of the lightbox

public cascade_event_count: number

sets the maximum number of events in a cascade

public cascade_event_display: boolean

sets the 'cascade' display mode

public cascade_event_margin: number

sets the left margin for a cascade of events

public check_limits: boolean

activates/disables checking of limits

public collision_limit: number

sets the maximum allowable number of events per time slot

public container_autoresize: boolean

forces the scheduler container to automatically change its size to show the whole content without scrolling

public day_date: string

sets the format for the date in the header of the Week and Units views

public dblclick_create: boolean

enables the possibility to create events by double click

public default_date: string

sets the date format used by the templates 'day_date', 'week_date', 'day_scale_date' for setting date in the views' headers

public details_on_create: boolean

'says' to use the extended form while creating new events by drag or double click

public details_on_dblclick: boolean

'says' to open the extended form after double clicking on an event

public display_marked_timespans: boolean

defines whether the marked(blocked) time spans should be highlighted in the scheduler

public displayed_event_color: string

sets the default background color for the events retrieved by the showEvent() method

public displayed_event_text_color: string

sets the default font color for the events retrieved by the showEvent() method

public drag_create: boolean

enables the possibility to create new events by drag-and-drop

public drag_lightbox: boolean

enables the possibility to drag the lightbox by the header

public drag_move: boolean

enables the possibility to move events by drag-and-drop

public drag_resize: boolean

enables the possibility to resize events by drag-and-drop

public edit_on_create: boolean

'says' to open the lightbox while creating new events

public event_duration: number

sets the initial duration of events in minutes

public first_hour: number

sets the minimum value for the hour scale (Y-Axis)

public fix_tab_position: boolean

moves views' tabs from the left to the right side

public full_day: boolean

enables setting of the event duration to the full day

public highlight_displayed_event: boolean

specifies whether events retrieved by the showEvent method should be highlighted while displaying

public hour_date: string

sets the format of Y-Axis items

public hour_size_px: number

sets the height of an hour unit in pixels

public icons_edit: any

stores a collection of icons visible in the side edit menu of the event box

public icons_select: any

stores a collection of icons visible in the side selection menu of the event box

public include_end_by: boolean

defines whether the date specified in the 'End by' field should be exclusive or inclusive

public last_hour: number

sets the maximum value of the hour scale (Y-Axis)

public left_border: boolean

adds the dotted left border to the scheduler

public lightbox: any

specifies the lightbox object

public lightbox_recurring: string

defines the lightbox behavior while opening in the edit mode

public limit_end: Date

sets the right border of the allowable date range

public limit_start: Date

sets the left border of the allowable date range

public limit_time_select: boolean

sets the max and min values of the time selector in the lightbox to the values of the 'last_hour' and 'first_hour' options

public limit_view: boolean

limits viewing events

public load_date: string

sets the format of server request parameters 'from', 'to' in case of dynamic loading

public map_end: Date

sets the date to display events until

public map_error_position: any

sets the position that will be displayed on the map in case the event location can't be identified

public map_infowindow_max_width: number

the maximum width of the Google Maps's popup marker in the Map view

public map_initial_position: any

sets the initial position of the map

public map_initial_zoom: number

sets the initial zoom of Google Maps in the Map view

public map_resolve_event_location: boolean

activates attempts to resolve the event location if the database doesn't have the event's coordinates stored

public map_resolve_user_location: boolean

enables/disables prompts asking the user to share his location for displaying on the map

public map_start: Date

sets the date to start displaying events from

public map_type: any

sets the type of Google Maps

public map_zoom_after_resolve: number

sets the zoom that will be used to show the user's location if he agrees to the browser offer to show it

public mark_now: boolean

enables/disables the marker displaying the current time

public max_month_events: number

sets the maximum number of displayable in a cell events

public minicalendar: any

specifies the minicalendar object

public month_date: string

sets the format for the header of the Month view

public month_day: string

sets the format for the day in a cell of the Month and Year views

public month_day_min_height: number

sets the minimum height of cells in the Month view

public multi_day: boolean

enables rendering of multi-day events

public multi_day_height_limit: any

sets the height of the area that displays multi-day events

public occurrence_timestamp_in_utc: boolean

allows working with recurring events independently of time zones

public positive_closing: boolean

defines the 'saving' behaviour for the case when the user edits the event text directly in the event box

public preserve_length: boolean

fixes dnd in case of non-linear time scale

public preserve_scroll: boolean

cancels preserving of the current scroll position while navigating between dates of the same view

public prevent_cache: boolean

enables/disables caching of GET requests in the browser

public quick_info_detached: boolean

defines whether the event form will appear from the left/right side of the screen or near the selected event

public readonly: boolean

activates the read-only mode for the scheduler

public readonly_form: boolean

activates the read-only mode for the lightbox

public repeat_date: string

sets the date format of the 'End by' field in the 'recurring' lighbox

public repeat_precise: boolean

prevents including past days to events with the 'weekly' recurrence

public scroll_hour: number

sets the initial position of the vertical scroll in the scheduler (an hour in the 24h format)

public select: boolean

shows/hides the select bar in the event box

public separate_short_events: boolean

allows preventing short events from overlapping

public server_utc: boolean

enables converting server-side dates from UTC to a local time zone (and backward) during sending data to the server

public show_loading: boolean

enables showing a progress/spinner while data is loading (useful for dynamic loading)

public start_on_monday: boolean

sets the start day of weeks

public time_step: number

sets the minimum step (in minutes) for event's time values

public touch: any

enables/disables the touch support in the scheduler

public touch_drag: any

defines the time period in milliseconds that is used to differ the long touch gesture from the scroll gesture

public touch_tip: boolean

enables/disables prompting messages in the right up corner of the screen

public use_select_menu_space: boolean

'says' events to occupy the whole width of the cell

public week_date: string

sets the format for the date in the sub-header of the Month view

public wide_form: boolean

enables/disables displaying the standard (wide) lightbox instead of the short one

public xml_date: string

sets the date format that is used to parse data from the data set

public year_x: number

sets the number of rows in the Year view

public year_y: number

sets the number of columns in the Year view